Louisiana > New Orleans Public Belt Railroad
Invitation for Bids: 50776777
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Tires and Tire-Related Services
 Notice is hereby given that the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Commission for the Port of New Orleans is soliciting bids for the Tires And Tire-Related Services. The specifications of the Invitation to Bid (ITB) are available for download on the NOPB’s website,, under the Procurement page. Official bid documents can also be downloaded from Central Bidding at 

NOPB strongly encourages the acquisition of goods and services from and direct participation of eligible business entities (“EBEs”) as defined in the NOPB’s Small Business Opportunity Program. The Program is a race- and gender-neutral program intended to provide additional contracting and procurement opportunities for certified eligible businesses by encouraging contractors who receive state contracts to use good-faith efforts to utilize such certified entities in the performance of those contracts.

NOPB desires to achieve, to the greatest extent possible, commercially meaningful and useful participation by EBEs. By providing equitable opportunities for EBEs, NOPB derives multiple benefits, including contributing to the economic vitality of our communities and ensuring a broader selection of competitively priced goods and services.

Bidders should present a responsible plan that provides for participation of qualified EBEs. Bidders should clearly state EBE participation goals and their plan for implementation of the same in their bid. Bidders should also include information relative to the participation levels Bidder has managed on other prior projects.
Participation shall be counted toward meeting the contract goals only by business entities certified designated in the Program. The direct participation goal can be achieved through direct ownership, joint venture participation, owner/operator agreements, or sublease agreements for operations. Participation shall include work opportunities in planning, development, construction, and operation of the Project.

NOPB accepts the following certifications: (1) the SLDBE program run by the City of New Orleans, (2) the state of Louisiana’s Department of Economic Development’s SBE Hudson Initiative program, (3) The Louisiana Unified certification Program, or (4) the Federal Small business Enterprise Program. Bids shall include evidence of a current certification

BID SUBMISSION: NOPB will accept sealed bids for this Project until 11:00 a.m. CDT on Thursday, October 17, 2024 (the “Bid Submission Deadline”). Any bid received after the Bid Submission Deadline will not be considered.

Bidders may submit bids for this Project in the following way:

Submit an ELECTRONIC BID. Electronic bids can be submitted at   For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. 
Bids must be submitted electronically at The bidder must attach a completed and signed digital copy of the Bid Form, Proof of Authority and any other documents required in the Bidding Documents. The NOPB shall not be responsible if a bidder cannot complete or submit an electronic bid. Bidders shall be responsible for receiving confirmation that the bid was successfully delivered prior to the Bid Submission Deadline.
BID OPENING: Immediately following the Bid Submission Deadline, bids will be opened in accordance with the bid documents.
NOPB CONTACT: Respondents must submit Questions in writing to [email protected] by Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. CDT. As necessary, addenda to this ITB will be issued to all respondents receiving this ITB. Questions, answers, and all forms required will be posted on the NOPB’s website at

Creator Username: NOPBAT
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 19-Sep-2024 2:49:00 PM CDT
Ends: 17-Oct-2024 11:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 375 Views
Event Status: Expired since 17-Oct-2024 11:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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