ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WEST RESTROOM RENOVATIONS Attachment: 40956 IFB Admin Westend Restroom Renovations FINAL.pdf 
Florida > St. Johns River Water Management District
Solicitation: 49414559
Listing Information/Advertisement
The St. Johns River Water Management District headquarters (DHQ) is located at 4049 Reid Street, Palatka, FL 32177. The restrooms at the west end of the Administration Building are the original facilities and are showing significant signs of wear and tear, including deteriorated grout, tiles, and fixtures, all in need of replacement. The proposed project includes full renovation of the “Administration Building West” restrooms/showers. The anticipated project completion date is September 30, 2025.

A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference (on-site) is scheduled for March 13, 2025 at 11:00 AM, at: District Headquarters, 4049 Reid Street, Palatka FL 32177
The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to view the project area and to discuss the requirements of this solicitation. Participation is required to be eligible to submit a response to this solicitation.

The estimated project budget is $98,000.

Exhibits accompanying this solicitation are as follows and are available upon signature of a District Standard Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement:
Exhibit 1: Enlarged Plan – Domestic Water
Exhibit 2: Enlarged Plan – Sanitary Waste

Creator Username: SJRWMDLJ
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 04-Mar-2025 3:00:00 PM EST
Ends: 28-Mar-2025 2:00:00 PM EDT ( 2d, 12h+ )
History: 449 Views
Event Status: Event open for bids
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
24-Mar-2025 4:24:24 PM EDT
Bid due date changed to March 28, 2025