Louisiana > Beauregard Parish Police Jury
RFP: 48194409
Listing Information/Advertisement:

INTRODUCTIONThe Beauregard Parish Police Jury (BPPJ) (“the Parish”) desires to contract with an independent firm with a certified public accountant(s) to provide auditing services for the fiscal year April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022. The audit is to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and compliance guidelines and regulations which include the following:
Government Audit Standards
The Single Audit Act
Uniform Guidance Supplementary Reports
AICPA professional standards
Provision of Louisiana Revised Statute 24:513
Provision of the Louisiana Governmental Audit Guide 
The Parish would like to provide the firm selected the option of extending the contract two (2) additional years. Entities responding to the RFP may, at their discretion, provide price quotes for those two (2) additional years. Providing quotations for the additional two (2) years is optional and proposals received without price quotes for those years will be accepted. Extension of the contract beyond the initial year will require concurrence of both the Parish and contracting audit firm.
BACKGROUNDThe Beauregard Parish Police Jury administrative office is in DeRidder, Louisiana, the parish seat and largest municipality in Beauregard Parish.  The Parish is the 31st largest Parish in the State of Louisiana. The 2020 census placed the population at 36,549. The Parish is governed by Police Jury form of government. The Parish and its political subdivisions have approximately 100 employees.  Prior year audits may be accessed on the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s website.
the proposal must be received, by hand delivery, mail, or common carrier, on on centralauctionhouse.com no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 25, 2022. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal is received by the Parish by the date and time specified. Any proposals received after this deadline will not be considered. Proposals should be addressed as follows:
Beauregard Parish Police Jury,
RFP for Auditing Services
Attn: Andrea Couch, Parish Treasurer
 201 W. 2nd Street
DeRidder, LA 70634

All proposals must bear the name of the entity making the proposal and must have the following clearly written or typed on the face of the envelope or package: “RFP for Auditing Services”. No faxed or emailed submissions will be accepted. All proposals must be signed by a principal of the firm. Only licensed Certified Public Accounting firms who have prior government auditing experience and are approved by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor to perform governmental auditing should respond to this RFP.
All questions relative to this RFP should be directed to Andrea Couch, Parish Treasurer, via email at [email protected].
There is no express or implied obligation for the Beauregard Parish Police Jury to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this RFP.

Creator Username: BPPJTW
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Apr-2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 25-Apr-2022 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 416 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 25-Apr-2022 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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08-Apr-2022 2:14:48 PM CDT
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