Request for Proposals - Internet Service Provider
Arkansas > Faulkner County
RFP: 46408726
Listing Information/Advertisement:

  1. SCOPE AND INTENT:            Faulkner County, Arkansas is seeking proposals from Internet Service Providers to provide broadband service to Faulkner County residents located within a three-mile radius of the town of Damascus, pursuant to the Arkansas Rural Connect Program, a grant program through the Arkansas Department of Commerce, Arkansas State Broadband Office, which can assist with funding for infrastructure. Faulkner County would become a local jurisdiction co-applicant for the provider or providers selected. 
  2. ARKANSAS RURAL CONNECT PROGRAM:              Providers should be familiar with the Arkansas Rural Connect program and demonstrate knowledge of its requirements. Copies of the applications for service providers and local officials are attached hereto and incorporated herein. Additional information is available at:,through%20telemedicine%2C%20and%20improve%20education
  3.  PROPOSALS:           Proposals will be publicly opened at 9 a.m., CST, August 18, 2020, at the Faulkner County Judge’s office. Clarification questions shall be received and responded to not later than August 17, 2020. Notification of selected proposals will be made not later than August 28, 2020. 
  4. SUBMISSION:          Proposals may be submitted by US Mail, electronic mail, or hand delivery. Electronic mail or U.S. Mail should include delivery confirmation. Proposals shall be submitted to: 
Philip Murphy
Faulkner County Attorney
801 Locust Street
Conway, AR  72034
[email protected]
5. PREFERENCES:     Faulkner County’s long-term goal is for the entire county to have access to reliable, high-speed broadband internet service. This particular request for proposal seeks to provide such service to the community of Damascus. Recognizing that our long-term goal is not feasible or practicable at this time, Faulkner County seeks to partner with Internet Service Providers who can both provide service to Damascus. Accordingly, preference will be given to:
  • Proposals that provide service to Faulkner County households within a three-mile radius of Damascus.
  • Proposals that would later serve the largest area of the county.
  • Proposals that would later serve the greatest number of homes and business in the county.
  • Proposals that would later serve or improve service to areas of the county which have no service or limited service.
  • Proposals that would later serve or improve service to schools which have no service or limited service.
  • Proposals that would later serve or improve service to hospitals, nursing homes and long term care facilities which have no service or limited service.
  • Proposals that exceed the required technical specifications and levels of service required by the Arkansas Rural Connect Program.
  • Proposals that provide fiber to the home or wireless service.
  • Proposals that consider and plan for future expansion. 
6. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS:      Faulkner County reserves the right to refuse or reject all proposals. Faulkner County shall have no obligation other than submitting a Local Official Application to the Arkansas Rural Connect Program as a co-applicant with the chosen provider(s). 

County Website:
Jim Baker

Creator Username: FCARSS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Aug-2020 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 18-Aug-2020 9:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 537 Views
Event Status: Expired since 18-Aug-2020 9:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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