Madison Splash Pad
Mississippi > City of Madison
RFP: 45737644
Listing Information/Advertisement:

FOR Liberty Park Splashpad
[A logo of a city Description automatically generated]
The City of Madison desires to enter into a Professional Services Agreement for the purpose of providing the city with 2 splashpad designs. The first design being a “free flow” system pad and the second design being a “recirculating” system. The budget for either design shall not exceed $250,000.00. The budget is for a turnkey project from design to installation. The selected Individual/Company shall, with advice from the City’s Parks and Recreation Director, provide, coordinate, and manage the installation of both the equipment and safety surfacing in a timely manner.
All proposals shall be submitted in writing.  Responders shall complete the requested information as close to the format and structure provided but are not required to submit information on this form.
Request for clarification shall be submitted in writing.  Verbal explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding.  Any information given to a prospective proposer concerning a solicitation shall be furnished to all prospective proposers.  Requests for clarification and inspections of the property may be made by contacting:
 Cole Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
1239 Highway 51 N
Madison, MS 39110
[email protected]
(601) 853-9109 (Request for Inspections Only)
Award of an Agreement for Services resulting from this RFP shall be based on the most responsive Individual or Company who presents the offer most advantageous to the City.  The City of Madison reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any informality.  The City of Madison is an equal opportunity employer.
Contact Information
Please provide the following information:
Individual/Company Name
Authorized Representative
Address (Primary Office)
Address (Other Office(s)
Phone Number
Facsimile Number
Website (if available)
 Provide a brief description of the Individual/Company history. 
Describe the range of services you or your Company provides for clients.  Identify any particular areas you consider to be areas of special emphasis or expertise. 
Describe any experience you or your Company has with providing and installing the requested splashpads. 
Describe any work you or your Company has done for or adverse to our City. 
Proposal Terms
The City seeks a proposal that, if accepted, will result in an Agreement for Equipment and Installation of Splashpad and its components. Designs should include the following criteria:
            3 bench seating areas with overhead cantilever shade structures.
Splashpad with at least 5 above ground features; 1 of the 5 features must be some form of water dumping system. The rest of the spray features are at the choice of the vender’s design.
Designs should be, but not limited to nature based themes.
Pumping and valve system for the splashpad to include fencing around the pump system for security purposes.
Designs should be suitable for children between the ages of 2-12 years of age.
The designed splash pad must meet the safety, design, and construction standards for quality splash pad designs.
The splash pad must be built in full compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations during the construction phase.
The splash pad must be designed to make efficient water consumption. The proposal should include the amount of gallons per minute used during the highest run time for each design.
For installation, the contractor shall make all necessary utility connections (electric and water).
The contractor shall install the splash pad in an order that will ensure proper installation of equipment, establish correct heights, provide adequate drainage, and prevent contamination of all circulation system lines.
Winning proposals shall work with the City to obtain access agreements and applicable liability insurance policies.
The Contractor shall provide Certificate of Liability equal to or exceeding $1,000,000 for General Liability, which will cover performance of its services under this agreement. The contractor will carry complete, adequate workmen’s compensation insurance covering all employees of the contractor. Current certificates of all insurance, showing the City as an additional insured, must be submitted to and maintained on file with the City.
The Contractor will comply with all applicable federal, state, county and city ordinances and regulations in performing all services to be rendered by the Contractor under this Agreement. The City will comply with all applicable federal, state, county, and city ordinances and regulations in maintaining the Splash Pad.
 Provide a list of representative clients, specifying any client who has received services from your company. 
Identify at least three references we may contract regarding the Individual or Company’s integrity, quality of work, quality of service, cost-consciousness, and overall performance.Other Information
Individual/Company may provide any other information not specifically requested that may aid the City in the review of the submission.
The Selection Committee is comprised of the Parks and Recreation Director, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Senior Director of Operations, and Deputy City Clerk.  Each responding entity to this request is asked to submit four (_4_) copies of its response for evaluation.  The Selection Committee shall evaluate all proposals submitted and make a recommendation to the Mayor to submit to the Board of Aldermen for approval.  Any contract entered into as a result of this proposal shall be governed under the State Laws of Mississippi.  Only the Governing Authority for the City of Madison can approve and authorize the execution of an Agreement for Professional Services. 
Individuals/Companies may be asked to provide additional information and may be asked to meet with members of the committee for interviews.  The references provided by the Individual/Company will be contacted.
Scoring Criteria
Proposals shall be evaluated on the following scoring criteria:
Vendor Experience                                                        50 Points
Quality & Responsiveness of Management Proposal       20 Points
Pricing/Cost                                                                  20 Points
Individual/Company Location                                        10 Points 
All bids shall be marked "LIBERTY PARK SPLASHPAD PROJECT BID OPENING, March 6, 2024,” on the outside of the envelope.  Bids submitted in person shall be hand delivered to:
Meg Williams
City of Madison Public Works Department
1239 Highway 51, Madison, MS  39110-9092
Bids may also be submitted by mail to:
Ruth Gibbons
Post Office Box 40
Madison, MS 39130. 
All bids must be received by 9:30 am local time on Tuesday, March 6, 2024.  Electronic bids can be submitted at
Bids will be opened at Denson Robinson Public Services Complex, 1239 Highway 51, Madison, MS  39110 at 10:00 am local time, Wednesday, March 6, 2024.  Any bid received after 9:30 am on the date will not be opened.  The project will be awarded to the lowest and best bid.   The City reserves the right to waive any informality or technicality or to reject any or all bids.
Site Location
[Text Box: Splashpad Location]

Creator Username: CMMRG
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 01-Feb-2024 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 06-Mar-2024 9:30:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 270 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 06-Mar-2024 9:30:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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