govbids on 16-Jan-2024 4:36:52 PM CST
Does Orleans Parish plan to use a purchasing vehicle/contract when purchasing ITB products? If so, which are acceptable?
govbids on 16-Jan-2024 4:37:07 PM CST
Will Federal funds be used for the purchase of items in the ITB?
govbids on 16-Jan-2024 4:37:27 PM CST
Are there any Terms & Conditions for this ITB?
Is this for CSP or GCC agreement?
Is there an existing agreement for the subscriptions?
Can we have a call with a tech to ensure we quote the services correctly?
AOPBD on 17-Jan-2024 7:16:02 AM CST
Can you clarify if the bid calls for Microsoft 365 G3 or Office 365 G3? For server licensing, can you clarify the core count the bid calls for?
Do you require vendors to provide a quote for Professional Services for install, configuration, migration, and implementation? if Yes, please share more details on the scope of services required. Whats the number of
application workloads, number users etc?
LATG on 18-Jan-2024 3:12:44 PM CST
For the100 MS Server 2022 VLC licensing, how many cores are allocated per VM, and how many cores are allocated for the 10 2022 SQL licenses?
SHIInt1 on 22-Jan-2024 11:34:16 AM CST
Would it be possible to have a one week extension?
How many servers / processors per server / cores per processor?
Does the request include SA only or LSA?
Does the request include Core CAL Bridge to go with the O365 products?
Core needed for line 3, and is line 5 quantity for CALs (User/Device) or cores?
• MS Enterprise Mobility & Security (EMS) –is this E3 or E5?
• SQL License – is this Datacenter/Standard ; User/Device CALs? Cores?
• Server License – is this Datacenter/Standard ; Core qty?
CDWG on 24-Jan-2024 6:22:59 AM CST
Hi Team, some questions for you!
• The customer put EMS for 20 qty. Can you advise if they are looking for the G3 or G5 version of the part?
• Customer wants Windows Server Datacenter, but we want to make sure we are licensing them correctly. Can they advise on how many physical servers they have? How many physical processors per server? How
many cores per processor? (total cores each server)
• Customer can advise on number of users or devices that will connect to their Windows Server?
• Customer wants SQL but can they advise if they need the standard version? As well as how many cores are on the server they are looking to license? (If more than one server then provide the number of cores for
each server)
- For Windows E3 does it needs to be quoted for 1000 users like they originally stated? or would your quantity would match your O365 users?
Can you please have the questions below answered?
HIGH AVAILABILITY ENABLED? (servers back each other up if one fails)
hied01 on 26-Jan-2024 3:23:25 PM CST
Looking for more information :
- Is there local hardware? What is the make/model
- Is there an existing AD? What is the version and forest level?
- Are there currently redundant AD servers?
- What functions /services are the AD servers deploying
- Is there an existing O365 tenant?
- Has Azure AD Connect ever been installed?
- How many users are active?
- Are machines joined to the domain?
- Do they need 2-way password sync?
- Are they planning on used Self Service Password Reset functionality?
- Do they need to have 2FA set up?
CDWG on 31-Jan-2024 2:09:18 PM CST
Office 365 G1, QTY: 450
Microsoft 365 G3, QTY: 350
Customer previously asked for 1000 windows 11, but with them ordering M365 G3 they get windows E3 included which includes win 11 so do they only need it for those 350 qty users? We are just trying to confirm that
the other Office 365 G1 does not need Windows E3.
Customer also has a listed item of Enterprise Mobility & Security- EMS, Qty 20 which is included in the M365 G3 so are they okay with what is included with M365 G3 or do they need an additional 20 qty of EMS G3?
For Windows Server can they advise on how many physical servers they have? How many physical processors per server? How many cores per processor? (total cores each server)
Customer can advise on number of users or devices that will connect to their Windows Server?
For SQL can they advise if they need the standard version? As well as how many cores are on the server they are looking to license?
We would like to set up a call with your Tech. Please let us know the availability. Thank you
Kindly explain complete features regarding this “Professional Services for install, configuration, migration, and implementation. Azure Active Directory Migration and Connect.”
CDWG on 06-Feb-2024 9:29:25 AM CST
Hi All, last question. :)
• When the customer states 10 Licenses with 8 cores, can they advise what they mean by "licenses"?
As an example if a customer has 1 server with 2 processors and 8 physical cores per processor and only needs rights to 2 VM's then I would recommend them being licensed with a Windows Server Standard 2 core for
8qty which covers 16 cores or Windows Standard 16 core license for 1 qty which covers the 16 cores on the server. This might just be a slight miss in me trying to determine if you are stating you need a Windows
Server Standard 2core license to cover up to 10 servers with 8 cores in each server, but if that is the case then please let me know as Microsoft only sells the Windows Server license as a 2 core or 16 core license.
Please note that Windows Server Standard gives customer access to 2 VM’s each time they license a server. Window Server Datacenter gives customers rights to unlimited VM’s that the server can handle.
• Can you advise if Windows Server Standard or Datacenter needs to be quoted?
There is a minimum of 8 cores of licensing required per physical processor and 16 cores required per server - if there are more than 16 cores on the physical server; more licenses need to be purchased. Please advise
how many processors and cores there are on the server(s), as well as how many VMs you're looking to run off of the physical host(s). Can you please provide us the below details.
Number of Window Server Standards 2022:
Number of Processors Number of Cores per Proc Total Number of VM’s
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
Server 5
Server 6
Number of Window Server Datacenters 2022:
Number of Processors Number of Cores per Proc Total Number of VM’s
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
Server 5
Server 6
According to the bid packet, the last day for questions was Friday, February 9th. This prevents information sent closer than 72 hours to effect bid responses. Please give as much information as you feel would give the
OPSO the ability to judge the best value of the responses.