The St. Mary Parish Water & Sewer Commission No. 5, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, acting through its President, Lionel “Butch” Metz, will receive sealed bids for the Water Sector Program – St. Mary Parish Water & Sewer Commission No. 5 – Phase II, Four Corners Water Treatment Plant Renovations project, at the St. Mary Parish Courthouse, 5th Floor, Franklin, LA 70538, until April 17, 2025, at 10:00 A.M., local time, at which time and place, they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time set forth above for opening of bids will not be considered and will be returned unopened.
The Contract Documents (Plans, Information for Bidders, Bid Form, Specifications and other pertinent documents) may be examined at the following locations:
Miller Engineers & Associates, Inc. – 601 Main Street; Franklin, Louisiana 70538
St. Mary Parish Water & Sewer Commission No. 5 Office – 900 Main Street, Baldwin, Louisiana 70514