Mattaponi WMA Enhancement
Ducks Unlimited > Ducks Unlimited - Southern Region
Sealed Bid: 44573976
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Ducks Unlimited, Inc., the Nation's leader in wetland conservation, is seeking bids for a project Mattaponi WMA located in Caroline County, VA.  We will hold a prebid meeting onsite:
Tuesday, February 20th at 10:00 a.m.
Directions from Richmond VA:  Follow I-95 N for 26 miles to VA-207 E in Ruther Glen. Take exit 104 from I-95 N; Stay on VA-207E for 9 miles, turn left onto Broaddaus Ave (VA-207E/W) for 1 mile, turn left onto N Main for 1/3 mile, turn left onto Paige Rd (605), follow for 2 miles and turn left into WMA entrance (38.0591383, -77.3894414) 
A summary of quantities is shown below and is subject to change prior to release of bid documents:
Installation of 2 aluminum full round risers, raising 430 lf of earthen road/dike, installation of 8 ditch plugs, 650 lf of ditch cleanout, and 2 concrete tied mat emergency overflows and other improvements as outlined in the construction plans and specifications.  Final quantities are subject to change.
Pre-Bid meeting is not mandatory but is strongly suggested that interested bidders attend.

Creator Username: DUSRMB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Feb-2024 9:30:00 AM CST
Ends: 06-Mar-2024 12:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 218 Views
Event Status: Expired since 06-Mar-2024 12:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
01-Mar-2024 10:14:20 AM CST
Addendum #3 remove beaver deceiver line item from bid form
26-Feb-2024 9:29:27 PM CST
Addendum #2 update low water crossing, revised plans and bid form
23-Feb-2024 9:22:26 AM CST
Addendum #1 notes from prebid meeting, revised plans and bid form
12-Feb-2024 10:05:10 AM CST
Corrected bid ending time
07-Feb-2024 9:16:38 AM CST
Add plans
06-Feb-2024 9:26:03 AM CST
Pause start while plans finalized