RFP# 49-20 Environmental Consulting Services [Asbestos, Lead Paint, Mold Remediation Abatement, Inspections and Management]
Louisiana > Lafayette Parish School System
RFP: 42448153
Listing Information/Advertisement:

PUBLIC NOTICE – Invitation for Request For Proposals (RFP) for Environmental Consulting Services – Asbestos, Lead Paint & Mold Remediation Abatement, Inspections and Management, RFP # 49-20
The Lafayette Parish School Board (LPSB) is seeking Requests For Proposals from highly qualified Environmental Consulting Services firms interested in providing Asbestos, Lead Paint & Mold Remediation Abatement, Inspections and Management Services for:
Lafayette Parish School Board
113 Chaplin Drive
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508
In addition to the above website location, interested firms may obtain official Request For Proposals (RFP) packages from:
Lafayette Parish School Board
Attention: Lee Francis, Purchasing Agent

113 Chaplin Dr.
Lafayette, LA 70508
P.O. Drawer 2158, Lafayette, LA  70502
(337) 521?7329
Email:   [email protected]

Only those firms that have obtained the official RFP package for this solicitation from the Lafayette Parish School Board will be considered by the LPSB Selection Committee.
The original and four (4) copies of the RFP shall be delivered to the Lafayette Parish School Board (LPSB) at the Office of Purchasing, 113 Chaplin Drive, Lafayette, Louisiana 70508.

The RFP submissions for this project will be accepted until 10:00 am on Feb. 7, 2020.
RFP submissions that have not been received by the aforementioned deadline date and time will be rejected. Additionally, failure to submit all of the information stipulated per Section III – Proposal Requirements of the RFP may be considered non?responsive and will result in the RFP submission being rejected.
RFP Respondents for this solicitation may not contact any LPSB RFP Review Committee members concerning this project from the date of the solicitation until after the date of selection.
LPSB and the LPSB RFP Review Committee reserve the right to reject any or all timely submitted RFPs in response to this RFP for any reason and waive any informalities contained in the RFP or any proposals received.

Creator Username: LPSS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 10-Jan-2020 8:25:00 AM CST
Ends: 07-Feb-2020 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 838 Views
Event Status: Expired since 07-Feb-2020 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
28-Jan-2020 1:57:30 PM CST
Addendum #1 added