Laurel School District-Office of Academics and Accountability Request for Educational Consulting Proposals RE: Mentoring, Coaching and Job-Embedded Instructional & Technical Support The Laurel School District seeks proposals from vendors to enhance educational experiences across all grades. Qualified vendors capable of providing onsite, research-based instructional support, effective strategies, and professional development opportunities are invited. This support aims to empower elementary and secondary educators and counselors in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Instructional Leadership, Counseling/Social Emotional Support and Technical Support. Contract terms will be negotiated upon selection. All contracts are subject to review, and applicable projects will be awarded upon the signing of the contract, which outlines the terms, scope, budget, and other pertinent information. Specifications and instruction forms for completing the requests may be obtained from the Laurel School District’s Business Office, located at 303 W 8th Street, Laurel, MS 39441. Interested vendors are invited to submit sealed proposals outlining their expertise, methodology, and proposed educational initiatives to the Laurel School District’s Business Office located at 303 W 8th Street, Laurel, MS 39441, on or before March 31, 2025, at 10:00 am Central Time (CT). For mailed proposals, please use the following information: Laurel School District Business Office Attention: Eunice Coleman 303 West 8th Street Laurel, MS 39441 Proposals may be uploaded to Central Bidding, mailed, or hand-delivered only on or before the indicated date and time. All mailed or hand-delivered proposals should be sealed and submitted by the designated time and date. Any proposal not submitted on or before 10:00 am Central Time (CT) on March 31, 2025, will not be considered. The Laurel School District School Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive informalities and to accept the lowest and/or best proposal submitted in response to this request. Published February 22, 2025 and March 1, 202