Request for Proposals for the Tranistional Work Program #155096
Louisiana > Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office
RFP: 41376063
Listing Information/Advertisement:

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office (hereinafter sometimes referred to as OPSO) for the purpose of soliciting competitive proposals from bona fide, qualified proposers who are interested in operating a Transitional Work Program.

The Contractor shall operate a TWP work release facility for up to 182 adult offenders in accordance with La. R.S.15:1111, 1119, 1135 and other applicable laws, Department Regulations, ALL Standard Operating Procedures and Disciplinary Rules & Procedures for Adult Offenders (Offender Rule Book).

A MANDATORY Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on Friday, June 24, 2016 at 1:00:00 p.m. C.S.T. for all interested parties at 3000 Perdido Street in the first floor conference room. We will take OPSO transportation for a facility tour. Following the tour, we will return to the conference room for questions to be answered and any other related matters.

Please access the public message board below so that all interested parties are kept up to date on all information, questions, and answers concerning this proposal request.

Additional Notes/Requirements
Information from the pre-proposal tour included: *downstairs: 105 beds upstairs:81 beds *tours of the laundry room and the classroom *visitation at the facility is handled on Sunday from 8-8:45 and visitors go to the classroom and have face to face visitation and visitors arrive and leave via the side electronic gate *commissary is through Tiger Commissary and is delivered contained in a bag on Wednesdays *community service delivers and picks up transitional workers using vans that are parked next door in the open lot between the facility and the barber shop (Canal St. side) *ages of inmates at the McDaniels Faciltiy are 21 YOA and up. *termite trails were noticed and the pest control contractor has been notified and the OPSO will be handling the repair of the area. *the facility used city sewage. *the medical contractor (CCS) sends a nurse daily to the facility and requests for medical service are on paper forms. *the phone service is through AT&T *food delivery arrives at 9-10 am (cold lunch) and 3 pm (hot meals for dinner and breakfast) for placement in the coolers and warmers for later service.
Creator Username: opcsomarygoodwin
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Jun-2016 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 08-Jul-2016 1:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 2348 Views, 4 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 08-Jul-2016 1:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
opcsomarygoodwin on 24-Jun-2016 5:37:09 PM CDT
First list of questions submitted were: • In regards to staffing, what are the intentions on how the current staff will be handled. At all of our other 6 work release facilities all staff is on our payroll at our wage scale which are usually different that the Sheriff’s wages. The concern is towards the really tight implementation once the RFP is awarded and to make sure bid winner would have adequate time to staff accordingly (OPSO response:) I have been told that the winning contractor will be responsible for reimbursing the OPSO for security staff provided. • How many employees do you have on staff today for the transitional work program. (OPSO response:)13 deputies for Transitional Work. • What is the current total population and how many of those have jobs currently. (OPSO response:) there are 30 offenders assigned to Transitional Work. All offenders currently have jobs. • How is the feeding of the offenders handled today. Is there a kitchen on-site. (OPSO response:) Food is prepared off-site and transported to the Facility twice daily. Lunch arrives at approximately 9-10 am and the dinner and breakfast (both hot meals) arrive at 3 pm. There is no kitchen at the facility, just food hot and cold holding cabinets. The second list of questions that were posed today at the pre-proposal conference were as follows: 1. Is the contractor required to still use Tiger Commissary as the commissary provider for the work release inmates? 2. What is the cost for the last six months on: utilities, gas, water, sewage, and garbage? 3. What is the rent/monthly cost on the McDaniels Facility that the proposed contractor will be responsible for? 4. What are the taxes on the McDaniels Facility that the proposed contractor will be responsible for? 5. Who will pay or be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep on the McDaniels Facility? Will it be the proposed contractor or the OPSO? 6. If there is damage or repairs that will need to be made (either minor or major capital improvements) on the McDaniels Facility, who will be responsible for these costs? 7. Who is responsible for getting the jobs for the work release inmates? Currently it is being handled by OPSO. Will this still be handled by OPSO or will the contractor be responsible for getting jobs? 8. When the inmates are paid, do they get checks or is it direct deposit? 9. The OPSO does not have information on the site about getting approved or involved as a vendor to be used by work release? Can or will this be available? 10. Will the phone line and the phone number be assumed to transfer over to the awarded contractor, or will the contractor be responsible for providing this service. 11. Will the contractor have access to CAJAN and NCIC to be able to screen visitors, and do background checks on staff? 12. What is the per diem rate? 13. Will the contractor be able to utilize the OPSO transportation system for access to the court system? 14. Although the answer was given that the contractor will be responsible for reimbursing the OPSO for security services of the OPSO staff used by the contractor, the question was posed as to how many the OPSO have planned to remain at the McDaniels Facility after the community service inmates are housed at the OJC facility? Also, what is the salary of those individuals. 15. OPSO Process questions: 1. What is the process for the inmates getting jobs? 2. What is the process for disciplinary if an inmate is caught violating policy? 3. How does the medical contractor go through the process of scheduling doctor’s visits or medical care? Is there a set time or day for clinics and if not on site, will the contractor be responsible for the transportation to, from and during this appointment? 4. What is the procedure for the court system at this time? Will the contractor be responsible for a work force inmate dressing out and attending court and the transportation back to the McDaniels Faciltiy?
stwsllc on 27-Jun-2016 5:49:43 PM CDT
What is the rent of the facility, average utility bills,
stwsllc on 28-Jun-2016 2:58:47 PM CDT
With respect to question # 14, who will be responsible for and/or what will the process be for hiring for increasing security needs or replacing an employee who quits or is terminated?
opcsomarygoodwin on 01-Jul-2016 3:30:02 PM CDT
1. Is the contractor required to still use Tiger Commissary as the commissary provider for the work release inmates? The winning contractor will need to use the current OPSO commissary vendor. 2. What is the cost for the last six months on: utilities, gas, water, sewage, and garbage? Utilities: $3784.43/mth Gas:$19.73/mth Water: $119/mth Sewage:$0 Garbage:$0 3. What is the rent/monthly cost on the McDaniels Facility that the proposed contractor will be responsible for? To be determined during negotiations. 4. What are the taxes on the McDaniels Facility that the proposed contractor will be responsible for?$0.00 5. Who will pay or be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep on the McDaniels Facility? Will it be the proposed contractor or the OPSO? The winning contractor would be responsible for the maintenance (minor repairs) and upkeep. 6. If there is damage or repairs that will need to be made (either minor or major capital improvements) on the McDaniels Facility, who will be responsible for these costs? If minor, the contractor will be responsible. If a major repair or damage, the OPSO will be responsible. 7. Who is responsible for getting the jobs for the work release inmates? Currently it is being handled by OPSO. Will this still be handled by OPSO or will the contractor be responsible for getting jobs? The winning contractor will be responsible for getting employment opportunities. 8. When the inmates are paid, do they get checks or is it direct deposit? Checks are deposited in the inmate’s account. 9. The OPSO does not have information on the site about getting approved or involved as a vendor to be used by work release? Can or will this be available? Yes, Sheriff Gusman is open to having information posted on the web page. 10. Will the phone line and the phone number be assumed to transfer over to the awarded contractor, or will the contractor be responsible for providing this service. It will be transferred to the awarded contractor. 11. Will the contractor have access to CAJAN and NCIC to be able to screen visitors, and do background checks on staff? Yes. 12. What is the per diem rate? $17.39. 13. Will the contractor be able to utilize the OPSO transportation system for access to the court system? At this time, Work Release brings the inmates to the OJC receiving area and the inmates go to court with all other OPSO inmates. Yes, the contractor will follow this process. 14. Although the answer was given that the contractor will be responsible for reimbursing the OPSO for security services of the OPSO staff used by the contractor, the question was posed as to how many the OPSO have planned to remain at the McDaniels Facility after the community service inmates are housed at the OJC facility? Also, what is the salary of those individuals? The transition to a contractor work release facility will be determined at a later date with the winning contractor. However, the contractor is responsible for hiring any staff necessary. 15. OPSO Process questions: 1. What is the process for the inmates getting jobs? At this time, the OPSO secures the employment and screens OPSO inmates to see if there is any inmate that fits the job requirements. D.O.C. is then contacted for approval. Upon D.O.C. approval, the inmate is transferred to the McDaniels Facility and employment can begin. 2. What is the process for disciplinary if an inmate is caught violating policy? If a minor infraction, disciplinary is handled internally. If a major infraction, D.O.C. is contacted, and they will have the inmate transferred. 3. How does the medical contractor go through the process of scheduling doctor’s visits or medical care? Is there a set time or day for clinics and if not on site, will the contractor be responsible for the transportation to, from and during this appointment? Currently, the OPSO has the medical contractor come to the McDaniels Facility a minimum of one time per day for medication pass, H&Ps, and a sick call triage. When a visit to a clinic is necessitated, the medical contractor contacts the McDaniels Facility for the inmate to be brought to the OJC Facility. Upon contracting the Work Release Program, the winning contractor will be responsible to making provisions for the inmates medical care either through the current provider, or a medical provider of their choice. 4. What is the procedure for the court system at this time? Will the contractor be responsible for a work force inmate dressing out and attending court and the transportation back to the McDaniels Faciltiy? Please see the answer given to question 14.
All updates/changes are listed below::
08-Jul-2016 2:18:48 PM CDT
list of proposals submitted attached
08-Jul-2016 2:16:30 PM CDT
list of proposals submitted attached
07-Jul-2016 3:45:34 PM CDT
Notation that the OPSO waives the requirement for the Mandatory Pre Bid Conference.
27-Jun-2016 12:39:21 PM CDT
prebid sign sheet uploaded
24-Jun-2016 5:50:05 PM CDT
observations from the pre-proposal conference have been added under questions/additional requirements
24-Jun-2016 5:25:22 PM CDT
The D.O.C. manual and the S.O.P. manual have been uploaded
07-Jun-2016 2:43:13 PM CDT