Jones County School District (JCSD) is located in Jones County MS. 11 campuses - 6 elementary, 3 middle/high schools, 1 career and technical center, and 1 alternative school with 1 Central Office for the district. The district has approximately 8500 students. The overall accountability rating for the school district is a “B”.
1. Goal & Purpose of RFP: The district is requesting proposals/quotes for an internet-based Social Emotional Learning program that contains curriculum for K-12 grade level students, professional learning modules for adults, and support materials for use by parents/guardians. The program should also include SEL assessments and behavior tracking capabilities.
2. Proposal Requirements and Project Scope for:
North Jones Elementary, East Jones Elementary, South Jones Elementary, West Elementary, Glade Elementary, Moselle Elementary, Northeast Jones Middle/High School, South Jones Middle/High School, West Jones Middle/High School
3. Service Specifications and Provisions:
- Program that supports the social and emotional well-being of the school community including support and training for educators, staff, students, and parents/guardians
- Program that has a user friendly dashboard for educators, staff, students, and parents/guardians that is appealing and easy to navigate
- Program must have the capability to link and sync with ClassLink and OneRoster
- Program for educators with tracking of student behaviors and identifies areas of further SEL support through progress monitoring
- Program includes training modules for educators that identify causes and implementation of strategies to improve school/class climate and the overall well-being of all learners socially and emotionally
- Program should include educator access to resources addressing particular topics where deeper understanding is needed
- Program that includes social emotional learning assessments that are presented in student learning paths
- Program that suggests particular student learning modules from identified components of SEL assessments
- Program that provides parents/guardians with support training for home use
4. Pricing/quotes:
Pricing should include all campus locations and total number of students within the district. These services shall be provided to the Jones County School District during the 2022-2023 school year. Upon satisfactory evaluation of the provided services, services may be extended to include services during the 2023-2024 school term.
5. Schedule of RFP events are as follows: a. RFP Released 11/11/2022 b. Proposal Due Date: 11/25/2022 by 1pm. c. Team Selection: 11/29/2022 (tentative)
6. RFP Submission requirements: Email a copy of the RFP response by 11/25/2022 by 1pm. to the following address: keboone@jonesk12.org, Kristy Boone, Assistant Special Education Director or mrsumrall@jonesk12.org, Dr. Marla Sumrall, Special Education Director or submit through centralauctionhouse.com
All questions, comments and requests for clarifications must be in writing to Kristy Boone or Dr. Marla Sumrall. The School District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine appropriate and adequate responses to the written comments, questions and requests for clarification.
7. Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Contract Award
Applicants must comply with all applicable licensing and certification requirements specific to the proposed services, be registered through the site of sam.gov., and agree to the terms/agreement and any addendum set forth by the school district’s school board attorney.
8. Contact Information
A paper copy or an email copy of this document, including any addendums, can be obtained by request below:
Kristy Boone, Assistant Special Education Director or Dr. Marla Sumrall, Special Education Director
Jones County School District
5204 Hwy 11 North
Ellisville, MS 39437 (601)649-5201 E-Mail: keboone@jonesk12.org or mrsumrall@jonesk12.org