Mississippi > Aberdeen School District
RFP: 39885263
Listing Information/Advertisement:

For the 2022-2023 award for Instructional Supplies and Software, Aberdeen School District’s intention is to award multiple vendors for Instructional Support Services listed below. The District will award this RFP to qualified respondent(s) based upon the evaluation of all proposals received. A master contract for professional services will be executed with the successful vendor(s) as a result of this process. RFP# 2023-01 will be amended annually for the term of the agreement.
Aberdeen School District through its Federal and State Programs is publishing a Sealed Request for Proposal soliciting vendor proposals and qualifications for contracted educational services in the area of Instructional Support Services.  
These Instructional Supplies and Software may include products that align content and assessments based on the MS College and Career Readiness Standards, assessment and item types that mimic MAAP items, and/or increase students’ technological proficiency.
These services shall be provided to ASD during the 2022-2023 school year. Upon satisfactory evaluation of the provided services, services may be extended to include services during the 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 school term.  
TARGET GROUP: - Kindergarten - 12th grade students and teachers in the areas of ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies and strategies for English Learners
OBJECTIVE: To use MS College and Career Readiness Standards, MS Academic Assessment Program (MAAP), and recent progress monitoring and benchmark assessment data to plan and guide instruction.
·      The product provides instruction based on the grade as a whole and individual student performance on the MS Academic Assessment Program (MAAP)/ progress monitor/benchmark assessments
·      The product contains assessment items that mimic the format and content materials for struggling students who did not meet expectations
·      The product provides instructional strategies and classroom pacing for MS College and Career Readiness standards that are specific to the deficits of students
·      The product materials support teachers in the development of higher order questioning skills, problem solving/critical thinking; acceleration; struggling and higher performing students in the classroom
·      The product materials may be print-based or technology enhanced

Additional Notes/Requirements
June 22, 2022:Release/Advertise RFP June 27, 2022: Deadline for ALL RFP questions July 8, 2022: Deadline to submit proposal July 13, 2022 RFP Selection
Creator Username: ASDMSTS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 22-Jun-2022 12:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 08-Jul-2022 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1135 Views, 15 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 08-Jul-2022 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
RFP on 24-Jun-2022 12:21:07 PM CDT
Is the deadline for bid submission extended to July 13th?
ASDMSTS on 24-Jun-2022 5:34:44 PM CDT
Hello, and thank you for your question. DUE DATES FOR PROPOSAL June 22, 2022: Release/Advertise RFP June 27, 2022: Deadline for ALL RFP questions July 8, 2022: Deadline for to submit proposal July 13, 2022 RFP Selection
dreamboxlearning on 27-Jun-2022 6:21:36 PM CDT
The Addendum states that the - 3. Intent to submit form must be uploaded by July 1, 2022 12pm. (Page 18) Where do we submit this form?
ASDMSTS on 28-Jun-2022 8:27:11 AM CDT
Please submit the "intent to submit" proposal to [email protected] by 12pm on July 1. Thank you!
winwardacademy on 28-Jun-2022 10:56:01 AM CDT
Can I get a copy of RFP and Addendum to RFP emailed to me at [email protected]? Thank You
linksystems on 28-Jun-2022 1:16:38 PM CDT
Can I get a copy of RFP and Addendum to RFP emailed to me at [email protected]? Thank You
Osmo1 on 28-Jun-2022 1:28:15 PM CDT
If possible, please email a copy of the RFP packet to us at [email protected]
legends on 28-Jun-2022 2:38:35 PM CDT
May I please have a copy of the RFP and Addendum emailed to me at [email protected]?
ASDMSTS on 28-Jun-2022 5:33:52 PM CDT
Please access the RFP and the addendum through this website. Thank you!
UWorld on 29-Jun-2022 8:27:41 AM CDT
May I get a copy of the the RFP and Addendum emailed to me at: [email protected]? Thank you very much.
ixlproposals on 30-Jun-2022 12:32:52 PM CDT
The bid system is showing an end date of 7/8 Will you be updating the system end date to close the bid on 7/13 instead of 7/8?
ixlproposals on 30-Jun-2022 4:50:43 PM CDT
The bid system is still showing an end date of 7/8. Will you be updating the systems end date to close the bid on 7/13 instead of 7/8?
GlobalIntelligenceServices on 01-Jul-2022 9:17:35 AM CDT
Can I get a copy of RFP and Addendum to RFP emailed to me at [email protected]? Thank You
WorldBook on 01-Jul-2022 9:57:41 AM CDT
May I please have a copy of the RFP and Addendum emailed to me at [email protected]?
ASDMSTS on 01-Jul-2022 10:50:34 AM CDT
Hello, Intent to submit due July 1 by noon. The deadline to submit the proposal is July 8. Selection by district team process will begin July 13. You must obtain a copy from central bidding. Thank you!
All updates/changes are listed below::
27-Jun-2022 4:11:25 PM CDT