The work consists of replacing the existing artificial turf that was installed and accepted on August 5, 2014 as part of the turf system on the existing Ruston High School Football field located in Ruston, Louisiana. The existing system consist of a Hellas Matrix turf (8-year warranty), 19mm thick Hellas CUSHDRAIN shock pad (25-year warranty), over a 6” min. thick aggregate base over a drainage system. The intent of these specifications for this project is that the existing turf be removed and replaced with new turf (8-year warranty) and the other components of the system (shock pad, aggregate base, drains and geotextile fabric liner) remain in place with their warranty for the remaining life of the system. Manufacturer’s written approval of these warranties that are to remain shall be a condition of acceptance of other systems considered for prior approved substitutions. If written approval cannot be obtained by the warranty company, the contractor will be required to replace these non-warrantable systems (shock pad, aggregate base, drains and geotextile fabric liner) with a prior approved equal system so that the Owner has an 8-year turf and 16-year pad and sub-system warranty at job completion.