Louisiana > Mader Engineering - Central Bidding Plan Room
Sealed Bid: 38915101
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Project No.  (3479-03)
Sabine Parish Police Jury (herein referred to as the "Owner")
Notice is hereby given that electronic bids will be received by the Owner via the Mader Engineering Plan Room at www.madereng.com until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday the 25th day of May 2023 for the construction of the project described as follows:
Properly submitted electronic bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by an online webinar platform. Email Mader Engineering at [email protected] for more information regarding joining instructions. The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid Proposal, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be downloaded from the Mader Engineering Plan Room as hosted by Central Bidding (subject to fees and conditions).
This will be the only method of plan distribution and the only method for bid submittal.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. Such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to the Sabine Parish Police Jury, the amount of which shall be five percent (5%) of the base bid plus additive alternates.  If a bid bond is used, it shall be written by a surety or insurance company currently on the U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service list of approved bonding companies which is published annually in the Federal Register, or by a Louisiana domiciled insurance company with at least an A-Rating in the latest printing of the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide to write individual bonds up to ten percent of policyholders' surplus as shown in the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, or by an insurance company in good standing licensed to write bid bonds which is either domiciled in Louisiana or owned by Louisiana residents.  The bid bond shall be issued by a company licensed to do business in Louisiana and countersigned by a person who is under contract with the surety company or bond issuer as a licensed agent in this state and residing in this state.  The certified check, cashier's check or bid bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder shall execute the contract, should it be awarded to him, in conformity with the contract documents within ten (10) days.
No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least forty-five (45) days after the time scheduled for the opening of bids. Each bid shall be submitted only on the bid form provided with the specifications.  The successful contractor will be required to execute performance and labor and material payment bonds in the full amount of the contract as more fully defined in the bid documents.
Bids will be evaluated by the Owner based on the lowest responsible bid submitted which is also in compliance with the specifications.
Contractors or contracting firms submitting bids in the amount of $50,000.00 or more shall certify that they are licensed contractors under Chapter 24 of Title 37 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and show their license number on the front of the sealed envelope in which their bid is enclosed.  Contractors shall be licensed in at least one of the following classifications: Municipal and Public Works Construction, Heavy Construction, Specialty:  Sanitary Landfill Operations and Closeout, Specialty:  Earthwork, Drainage and Levees.  Bids in the amount of $50,000.00 or more, not submitted in accordance with this requirement, shall be rejected and shall not be read.  Additional information relative to licensing may be obtained from the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Sabine Parish Police Jury
PUBLISH DATES:  May 3, May 10, and May 17, 2023.

Creator Username: MaderEngBB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 03-May-2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 25-May-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 783 Views
Event Status: Expired since 25-May-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
22-May-2023 8:44:22 AM CDT
Uploaded Addendum No. 2, which replaces Plan Sheet 2 to include truck routes and additional stockpile information.
10-May-2023 11:28:43 AM CDT
Uploaded Addendum No. 1, which schedules a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting.