Louisiana > City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge
RFQ: 35619606
Listing Information/Advertisement:

**Addendum No. 1 issued 12.10.24 to Respond to Questions During Inquiry Period**
Bid Opening Date upated to 12.19.24 at 2:00 PM CST

Notice is hereby given that sealed Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) will be received by the City of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge Purchasing Division until 2:00 PM CST on December 17, 2024 in Room 826, of City Hall, 222 Saint Louis Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 for:
RFQ 2024-13-0910
DBE/ACDBE/SBE and Title VI Consulting Services for the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport
This project will be in strict compliance with all applicable Airport rules and regulations, and all Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations.
Copies of the Request for Qualifications may be obtained from LaPAC
(https://wwwcfprd.doa.louisiana.gov/osp/lapac/dspBid.cfm?search=department&term=102), Central
Bidding (http://www.centralauctionhouse.com) or by    email request to:
 [email protected]
*Note: The City-Parish has elected to use LaPAC, the state’s online electronic bid posting and Central Bidding notification system, in addition to its standard means of advertising this requirement. LaPAC is resident on State Purchasing’s website at https://wwwcfprd.doa.louisiana.gov/osp/lapac/pubmain.cfm and is available for vendor self-enrollment. NOTE: This RFQ is not available to submit online via Central Bidding; submissions must be mailed or hand delivered to the address mentioned in the RFQ.
In that LaPAC and Central Bidding provides an immediate e-mail notification to subscribing bidders that a solicitation and any subsequent addenda have been let and posted, notice and receipt thereof is considered formally given as of their respective dates of posting. Though not required if receiving solicitation and addenda notices from LaPAC and Central Bidding the City-Parish will email addenda to all vendors contacting our office and requesting to be put on our office Vendor Listing for this solicitation.
The deadline for receiving written inquiries is December 5, 2024.
SOQ received after the above specified time will not be considered.  SOQ will be opened immediately after proposal opening time in Room 806, of City Hall.  All interested parties are invited to be present.
Teleconference Call-in information for Public Access to RFQ Opening:
Join by phone:
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 263 373 080 (followed by the # button)
Alternate numbers to call if number above is not available, which may occur due to network traffic (use the same Access Code, followed by the # button):
United States Toll (Boston) +1-617-315-0704
United States Toll (Chicago) +1-312-535-8110
United States Toll (Dallas) +1-469-210-7159
United States Toll (Denver) +1-720-650-7664
United States Toll (Jacksonville) +1-904-900-2303
United States Toll (Los Angeles) +1-213-306-3065
This teleconference number will provide you with live audio access to this proposal opening. The teleconference will be live only at the noted RFQ opening time on the date of RFQ opening.
The right to reject any and all SOQs and to waive irregularities and informalities is reserved.
The employees of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District and members of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission request that all consultants, sub-consultants, contractors, vendors or others involved with this project not contact any employee, Metropolitan Council Member, or Airport Commission Member concerning this project during the selection process period (initial advertisement – final selection), except to submit written questions as provided above.
The selection committee will meet on January 9, 2025 at 2:00 PM CST at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, Suite 300, Terminal Building, 9430 Jackie Cochran Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana to select the consultant for the services advertised herein.
The selection committee meeting is open to the Public, and representatives from all interested firms are invited to be present.
The negotiated fee and contract agreement  may subject to Metropolitan Council approval and authorization of the Mayor-President to execute the contract for professional services for these professional services. 

The City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge has established a Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SEDBE) program in accordance with Revised Statute RS 33:2233.4. It is the policy of the Parish to ensure that Eligible Business Enterprises EBE’s, certified in accordance with the Parish program, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in parish contracts.
For this project the EBR Parish Purchasing office has directed a review of the scope of work and has established a minimum EBE goal of 15% of the contract amount. All Proposers shall achieve this goal or demonstrate good faith efforts to achieve the goal. Good faith efforts include meeting this EBE goal or providing documentation demonstrating that the Proposer made sufficient good faith efforts in attempting to meet this goal. Only EBE firms certified under the Parish SEDBE Certification Program at the time of submittal of the bid will count toward this EBE goal. To be considered responsive, the proposer must submit EBE Forms 1, 1A, and 2, and Letters of EBE Certification with its SOQ.
The City-Parish is an equal opportunity employer and encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) in all of its projects.  Proposers/Prospective Contractors are strongly encouraged to make positive efforts to utilize minority subcontractors for a portion of this project.  Proposers are requested to include in their proposal a description of plans for minority participation under this Contract as suppliers or subcontractors.
All questions concerning the Solicitation and Contract Documents must be received in accordance with the Schedule of Events cited in section 1.3 of the Solicitation documents and as further defined in section 1.7.2 Proposer Inquiry Periods of the same document.

Creator Username: BRLALF
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 18-Nov-2024 8:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 19-Dec-2024 2:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 566 Views
Event Status: Expired since 19-Dec-2024 2:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
10-Dec-2024 3:05:34 PM CST
Addendum No. 1 issued 12.10.24 Revising Bid Opening Date and Responding to Questions during Inquiry Period