Will there be a virtual bid opening option available to bidders?
There is no virtual option available.
The permit in Appendix A of the specifications has the project supplied with sand from a dredging operation but the plans show the project to be supplied with sand from stockpiled imported sand that is pumped from off
site to the placement location. Can we get some clarification on this?
Can the water from the canal by the stockpile be used to hydrate the sand for the pumping process?
Is the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Certification from Exhibit B required to be submitted with the bid package?
Can you provide the pre-bid meeting sign in sheet?
Will the Owner extend the amount of Contract days?
Will the Owner allow the Contractor to barge in sand for the Beach fill?
Will the Owner allow the Contractor to stage offshore to pump the Beach Fill, if barges are approved for sand transportation?
Are there any restrictions on equipment against the bulkhead at the stockpile location?
Is there a permit needed to dredge the canal at the pipeline crossing location, if the pipeline does not meet the depth requirements of the canal, after sinking?
Has the owner considered separating the Line Items “SAND IMPORT TO STAGING SITE, TRANSPORT TO BEACH & FINAL SHAPING”, so that the sand import and
stockpiling, is separate from transport to beach and final shaping?
What will the contractor be entitled to if Construction is delayed due to bird abatement and or bird nesting on the beach?
Will the owner define a staging area/pump out area at the intersection of Pass Fourchon and Caillouet Canal, to bypass the pipe crossing at Caillouet Canal?
DCGUSA1 on 21-Feb-2025 4:59:21 PM CST
Can we install a temporary bridge? If so what is the minimum width and minimum head height?
DCGUSA1 on 21-Feb-2025 5:59:35 PM CST
Can we install a temporary bridge? If so, what is the minimum width and minimum head height?
When will the forthcoming addendum be posted inclusive of the prebid sign in sheet?
Supp. Specs., 00200, Line 37-39 states that the Port will be supplying bird monitoring in compliance with the Project permits. Does monitoring include allowable deterrence
devices/activities to mitigate the risk of work stoppages due to bird nesting? If the Port was not planning on providing deterrence devices/activities, and they are allowed, please
either (i) provide a bid item for these costs or (ii) provide instruction on the existing bid item to which this cost should be added.
If bird nesting deterrence devices/activities are not allowed, then the Project Team has no control over potential delays that may be caused by bird nesting, Please confirm:
a. That Contractor will be afforded time and cost relief for work stoppages due to bird nesting in accordance with Gen. Provs. 5.24(a)-(b);
b. and How long potential work stoppages might last to assess whether the current Project schedule is sufficient to complete the work
The Contract Time of 300 calendar days included in the Special Provisions appears to run from Project NTP to Final Completion. Please consider modifying the LDs trigger to
late achievement of Substantial Completion (as defined under Gen. Provs. 5.17). The LD rate is unnecessarily onerous once the Port has obtained the full benefit of the
accepted beach fill sections.
Please provide Contractor a reasonable, guaranteed opportunity to cure a default under Gen. Provs. 8.09. Recommend a guaranteed 5 calendar day period to cure or
commence a reasonable cure.
Gen. Provs. 7.17 places the full risk of re-building work damaged by the elements on Contract. This requirement should not apply to beach fill projects subject to constant and
immediate tidal erosion and wave action. The Port has properly removed Builder’s Risk coverage from the Project’s insurance requirements because it cannot be obtained for
beach fill projects. Similarly, the Contractor cannot be responsible for re-building portions of beach fill areas under Gen. Provs. 7.17 that are damaged due to storms or
unusual tidal action.
Addendum #1, Response Nos. [insert] and [insert] state that no silt fencing and no Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”) is required for the Project. This does not
seem to comport with DEQ of Louisiana’s Master General Permit Number LAR 200000, Part III, which requires at least one SWPPP for small construction activities (equal to
or greater than 1 acre and less than 5 acres). If Bidder’s analysis above is incorrect, please provide the legal basis for the Port’s silt fence and SWPPP modifications. We
note in this regard that Gen. Provs. 7.01 generally puts the risk of performing the work in accordance with applicable law on the Contractor, and requires the Contractor to
indemnify the Port for any breaches of applicable law. Bidders must be certain that the Port’s proposed modifications to the silt fence and SWPPP requirements are fully in
accordance with applicable law before excluding these costs from our bids
Has the owner obtained all of the Regulatory permits required to perform the work specified in the plans and specs?
Due to the project not requiring dredging operations, is a magnetometer survey still required by the Specifications?
Considering that the only route to access the job is via the LA-1 toll bridge and tolls will cost over 1-million dollars, is there any exception for tolls being paid for this project?