Lady of the Sea General Hospital
Louisiana > Lady of the Sea General Hospital
Sealed Bid: 35445594
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed paper bids or electronic bids for the construction of the following project which generally consists of sewage treatment plant replacement and other miscellaneous items shown on the drawings or herein specified will be received by the Lady of the Sea General Hospital located at 200 west 134th Place, Cut Off, Louisiana 70345, until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, October 20, 2014 at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read.  No bids will be received after 2:00 p.m.


Creator Username: LOSGHSM
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 21-Sep-2014 7:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 20-Oct-2014 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1743 Views
Event Status: Expired since 20-Oct-2014 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
15-Oct-2014 10:37:57 AM CDT
Addendum No. 1
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. =SEALED= 20-Oct-2014 11:51:41 AM CDT
BIDDER'S LA LICENSE NUMBER: 12198; BIDDER: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc., P. O. Box 5658, Thibodaux, LA 70302, 985/447-5764; BIDS DUE: Monday, 10/20/14, 2:00 p.m.; OWNER: Lady of the Sea General Hospital, 200 West 134th Street, Cut Off, LA 70354; SEALED BID FOR: Lady of the Sea General Hospital, Sewage Treatment Plant Replacement, Galliano, Louisiana; ONE ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED.
Delivery: 0 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed