Professional Architectural Services RFQ - Tuscaloosa Tennis Center
Alabama > City of Tuscaloosa
RFQ: 34395957
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The City of Tuscaloosa seeks Professional Architectural and Related Services for the expansion of
the Tuscaloosa Tennis Center that features construction of additional indoor and outdoor courts,
existing court resurfacing, and construction of additional lighting, pavilions, accessory buildings,
and shade structures.
Opened in 2015, the existing Tuscaloosa Tennis Center facility consists of three indoor courts and
10 outdoor courts. This project, built to United States Tennis Association and American Sports
Builders Association tennis court construction guidelines, will allow the Tuscaloosa Tennis Center
to host industry-sanctioned tournaments.
Professional services will include: basic architectural services such as schematic and final
drawings, plans and specifications, estimates of construction costs, bid phase and services during
construction; services may also include studies, investigations, evaluations and engineering
services such as site work, if required. Consultation with a subject matter expert may be
necessary and design review will be coordinated with the United States Tennis Association.
The contract with the selected design professional may include a master services agreement with
task order directives for progressive phases of this project and coordinated with nearby Jaycee
Park improvements.
The firm must comply with all applicable state, local, and federal regulations related to all of the
services provided to the City. The City reserves the right, subject to negotiation and agreement,
in writing, with the selected firm, to either expand or limit the scope of services as needed. The
selected firm will be required to have sufficient personnel to complete the tasks required by this
scope of services. The selected firm will complete the required tasks in a timely and efficient
manner. The selected respondent would be expected to enter into a contract for services based
upon the negotiated fee structure.

Creator Username: CTALTV
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Apr-2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 28-Apr-2022 11:59:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 471 Views
Event Status: Expired since 28-Apr-2022 11:59:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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