MAA Drainage & Existing Pumping Station Improvements
Mississippi > Meridian Airport Authority
Sealed Bid: 32851733
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids will be received by the Meridian Airport Authority in the airport conference room, Airport Terminal Building, 2811-A Highway 11 South, Meridian, Mississippi until Monday, August 12, 2019, 2:00 p.m.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.  Bids received after the stated time will not be accepted.
The work is generally described as:
Work will involve approximately 35,000 yards of on-site embankment for dike construction, three 10,000 gpm stormwater screw pumps, fencing, riprap slope protection and incidental items to improve drainage at the north end of the runway and work to install a 10,000 gpm screw pump at the south pumping station.
Bid security in the form of a bid bond equal to 5% of the total bid is required.  Contract security in the form of 100% Performance and Payment Bonds will be required.  No bid may be withdrawn after closing time for the receipt of proposals for a period of sixty (60) days.  Bidding and Contract Documents may be purchased from the Engineer upon prior payment of a fee of $50.00, which is non-refundable.  Each bidder shall provide a Mississippi Certificate of Responsibility or their bid will not be opened or considered.
Bidding Documents may be examined at the Office of the Engineer: Engineering Plus, Inc.; 1724-B 23rd Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301(601-693-4234).
This project is funded under provision of the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Act of 1987.  Certain mandatory federal requirements apply to this solicitation and will be made a part of any contract awarded.
(a)       President’s Exec. Order no. 11246 as amended by 29 CFR Part 30, 41 CFR Part 60.
(b)       David Bacon and Related Acts, 29 CFR Parts 1, 3 and 5.
(c)       Copeland Act, 29 CFR Part 3.
(d)       Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
(e)       Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(f)        Minority Business Enterprises participation of 11.00% (49 CFR Part 23)
The Meridian Airport Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received and to reject any and all bids or to award or refrain from awarding the contract for the work, whichever is deemed to be in the Owner’s best interest.
Tom Williams, Executive Director
Meridian Airport Authority

Creator Username: LCMSLD
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 29-Jul-2019 11:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 12-Aug-2019 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 814 Views
Event Status: Expired since 12-Aug-2019 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
08-Aug-2019 9:06:59 AM CDT
Uploaded Addendum 1 - new Proposal Form and clarification
29-Jul-2019 10:28:54 AM CDT
Plans and Bid documents have been uploaded