Highland Colony Parkway Rehabilitation
Mississippi > City of Ridgeland
Sealed Bid: 32830331
Listing Information/Advertisement:

NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi will receive written sealed bids until the hour of 11:00 AM, local time, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2018, in the Ridgeland City Hall Board room, 304 Highway 51, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157; or, electronically at www.centralbidding.com for the furnishing of all labor and materials and for the construction of that certain project designated as:
County Line Road to Business Park Drive
Federal Aid Project No. STP-7354-00(0003) LPA 106944-701000”.
Bids are to be stated for the road rehabilitation of the southernmost 2,000-feet of Highland Colony Parkway from County Line Road to Business Park Drive including maintenance of traffic in compliance with the latest MUTCD standards, asphalt milling, asphalt failed base repair, asphalt resurfacing, traffic signal video vehicle detection installation, temporary and permanent pavement markings, and all other work with its related appurtenances necessary to complete the above project as provided for on the Bid Form.

The Total Contract Time will be 50 WORKING DAYS and the liquidated damages will be assessed in accordance with the applicable section of the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted by the Mississippi Transportation Commission.  A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM, local time, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2018, in the Ridgeland City Hall Board room. All plan holders are encouraged to attend.
                Official Bid Documents can be downloaded from Central Bidding at www.centralbidding.com and electronic bids can be submitted at www.centralbidding.com.  For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process and to register, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.
                Optional hard copies of project bid documents are also available for a nonrefundable price of $150.00 for each set.  Paper copies of the Proposal and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Public Works Department of the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi, at the Ridgeland City Hall, 304 Highway 51, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157.
                The DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE may also be examined at the following locations:

Mississippi Procurement Technical Assistance Program (MPTAP)
501 North West Street, Suite B 01
Jackson, MS 39201
Contact: Carlyn McGee

City of Ridgeland
Public Works Department
Ridgeland City Hall
304 Highway 51
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Contact: Christopher W. Bryson, P.E., 601-853-2027

Central Bidding

                The attention of bidders is directed to the Contract Provisions governing selection and employment of labor. Minimum wage rates have been predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and are subject to Public Law 87-581, Work Hours Act of 1962, as set forth in the Contract Provisions.
                The City of Ridgeland, Mississippi hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion or national origin in consideration for an award.  The award of this contract will be contingent upon the Contractor satisfying the DBE requirements, which is 4%.
                Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check on a solvent bank or a Bidder’s Bond issued by a Surety Company licensed to operate in the State of Mississippi, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price, payable to the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi as bid security. Bidders shall also submit a current financial statement, if requested by the City of Ridgeland. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount.
                The proposal and contract documents in its entirety shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and deposited with Ridgeland City Hall, Ridgeland, Mississippi prior to the hour and date above designated. No stripped bids will be accepted. No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the date of actual bid opening, without Owner’s consent.  Work to be performed shall be in accordance with the “Mississippi State Highway Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2017 Edition”, together with all amendments and/or special provisions and/or addenda to the standards duly approved and adopted, unless otherwise noted in these specifications.
                The attention of Bidders is directed to the provisions of Subsection 102.07 pertaining to irregular proposals and rejection of bids.
                The Mayor and Board of Aldermen reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities.

Creator Username: CRMSCB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 01-Nov-2018 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 29-Nov-2018 11:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 1053 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 29-Nov-2018 11:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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27-Nov-2018 8:56:29 AM CST
ADDENDUM NO. 1 has been posted.
06-Nov-2018 9:26:03 AM CST
Added bid invitation list