Livingston Parish - Beaver Creek Bank Stabilization
Louisiana > Livingston Parish Government
Sealed Bid: 32383763
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids will be received until Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 2:00 PM, by Livingston Parish, at the Livingston Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness at 20355 Government Blvd. Livingston LA 70754 (Second Floor Conference Room). Livingston Parish shall at that time and place publicly open the bids and read them aloud for the furnishing of item/items for the project listed below:Project Name: Beaver Creek Bank StabilizationProject consists of:• Bank stabilization including site access, clearing, grading, fill, riprap placement, steel sheet pile installation, and site cleanupConstruction shall be done as shown on the plans.Electronic bids may be submitted online at To view these, download, and receive bid notices by e-mail, you must register with Central Auction House (CAH). Vendors/Contractors have the option to submit their bids electronically or by paper copy. For information about the electronic submittal process, contact Ted Fleming with Central Auction House at 1-866-570-9620.The plans, specifications, and proposal forms will also be available at the Metairie office of All South Consulting Engineers, LLC: 652 Papworth Ave., Metairie, LA 70005. Phone: (504) 322-2783, Fax: (504) 322-2787 In accordance with Louisiana Public Bid Law, prime Bidders shall be charged a deposit of $75.00 for one (1) set of Contract Documents and Specifications, and upon return of the complete Contract Documents and Specifications in good condition within 10 days from receipt of Bids, shall be refunded the full deposit. Bids must be submitted on the Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form furnished with the Bidding Documents. This Project shall require a Class III Louisiana Contractors license number for HEAVY CONSTRUCTION.Each bid shall either be hand delivered by the bidder (or his agent); be submitted electronically with Central Auction House (CAH); be sent by United States Postal Service registered or certified mail with a return receipt requested to Livingston Parish Grants Office, P.O. Box 427, Livingston LA 70754; or, if using a delivery service (e.g., FedEx, UPS, etc.), be sent to Livingston Parish Grants Office at 20355 Government Blvd., Suite E, Livingston LA 70754. Bids shall not be accepted or taken, including receiving any hand delivered bids, on days which are recognized as holidays by the United States Postal Service.Bids shall be accompanied with a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond with Power of Attorney (Money Orders or Letters of Credit will not be accepted) in the amount not less than 5% of the amount of the proposal, made payable to Livingston Parish Council. Failure to do so will result in the bid being declared irregular and shall be cause for rejection.The mailing address for bids is: Livingston Parish Grants OfficeP.O. Box 427Livingston, LA 70754No bid received after the scheduled time for opening will be considered. Failure of the U.S. Mailto deliver the bids timely shall not be considered due cause for the scheduled time of the bid opening to be extended.Subsequent to the opening, the bid/bids will be evaluated by the appropriate party/parties and will be presented to the Livingston Parish Council (OWNER) for awarding, rejection, or holding for further advisement and/or evaluation.Bidding Documents for this Project are on file in the office of All South Consulting Engineers, LLC, 652 Papworth Ave., Metairie, LA 70005. Please contact Emily Newell, P.E. at All South Consulting Engineers, LLC at 504-322-2783 or [email protected] for any clarification or information with regard to the specifications.A Non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, 10:00 a.m., at the office of the Livingston Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness at 20355 Government Blvd. Livingston LA 70754 (Second Floor Conference Room).All areas of requested information on the Bid Form shall be filled out; if none applies, fill with “None” or “Not Applicable”, as see fit. The bidder shall certify that he is licensed under R.S. 37:2151-2163 and show his license number on the bid above the signature of his duly authorized representative, as well as showing his license number on the outside of the sealed envelope containing his bid. The successful bidder must register with sales tax department of the Livingston Parish School Board for Use Tax purposes. If OWNER fails to make an award within 45 calendar days of the bid opening, the bidders may withdraw their proposal without forfeiture of bid security.The LOWEST qualified bid for this Work will be the one determined to offer the best advantage to Livingston Parish. Successful bidder(s) will be required to provide a performance and payment bond upon award of the bid(s). Livingston Parish reserves the right to waive any informality in awarding the bid(s) in the best interest of the Parish.Livingston Parish reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause.

Creator Username: lpchc
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 05-Jan-2023 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 01-Feb-2023 2:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 1133 Views
Event Status: Expired since 01-Feb-2023 2:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
25-Jan-2023 4:24:17 PM CST
Addendum No. 2
17-Jan-2023 8:58:55 AM CST
Addendum No. 1
05-Jan-2023 1:57:59 PM CST
Uploaded drawings and specs.