North Oaks Medical Center ACM Panel Replacement Attachment: 24-055_North Oaks Medical Center ACM Replacement_SPECS.pdf 
Louisiana > North Oaks Medical Center
Sealed Bid: 32355401
Listing Information/Advertisement
                              ACM PANEL REPLACEMENT
BID DATE:       Sealed bids will be received on 
                        Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 2:00pm
OWNER:          Hospital Service District No. 1 of Tangipahoa Parish      
                        North Oaks Health System       
                        15790 Paul Vega M.D. Drive     
                        Hammond, LA 70401
PLACE:            Bids will be received by WHLC ARCHITECTS, for the OWNER in the North Oaks Outpatient Diagnostic Center, Conference Room A, at 15837 Paul Vega MD Drive, Hammond, LA 70403 and will be opened and read aloud.
All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing legibly on the exterior, the following: 
Job Name and Owner
Contractor's Name, Address, and License Number 
Bidders have the option to submit bids electronically in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 38:2212 E(1). Bid related information is also available online and electronic bids may be submitted online at Please call 225-810-4814 for all questions regarding the online bid process. The electronic bid must be accompanied by a scanned copy of the bid security being furnished (either Bid Bond, cashier's check or certified check). If furnishing either a cashier's check or a certified check as the bid security, Bidder shall also include the original check in a sealed envelope to be delivered and received by the Owner at the date, time and place for submitting non-electronic bids. The Bidder shall include the name of the Bidder, the Project name and the words "Bid Security for Electronic Bid" on the outside of the sealed envelope.
No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bid.
Complete Bid Documents for this project are available in electronic form. They may be obtained without charge and without deposit from the Designer or Central Bidding.  Printed copies are not available from the Designer, but arrangements can be made by bidder to obtain them through most reprographic firms.  Plan holders are responsible for their own reproduction costs. Questions about this procedure shall be directed to the Designer at:
WHLC Architecture
1744 Oakdale Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
[email protected]
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 2:00pm in the North Oaks Outpatient Diagnostic Center, Conference Room A, at 15837 Paul Vega MD Drive, Hammond, LA 70403. 
Interested contractors can contact Gary Vinyard, Director of Plant Operations, at (985) 230-1278 to coordinate pre-bid site visits.
All bidders shall meet the requirements of the State of Louisiana Contractor's Licensing law, Louisiana Revised Statute 37:2150 through 2164, as amended.
Sureties used for obtaining Bonds must appear as acceptable on the Department of Treasury Circular 570.
In accordance with R.S 38:2212 (A) (1)(b), the provisions and requirements stated in the Advertisement for Bids and those required on the Bid Form shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived.
Anyone with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact Grant Sceroler at (985) 230-6105 not later than seven (7) days prior to the bid opening.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
1st Advertisement:         March 18, 2025
2nd Advertisement:        March 25, 2025
3rd Advertisement:         April 1, 2025

Creator Username: NorthOaksGS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 18-Mar-2025 8:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 17-Apr-2025 2:00:00 PM CDT ( 22d, 12h+ )
History: 258 Views
Event Status: Event open for bids
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
18-Mar-2025 2:21:28 PM CDT
Addendum #1
17-Mar-2025 4:30:18 PM CDT
File Upload