The Lauderdale County Board of Education will receive sealed competitive bid proposals at the office of the County Superintendent of Education, 301 46th Court, Meridian, MS 39305 or P.O. Box 5498, Meridian, MS 39302 or by Electronic Bid at Central Bidding until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 for the following:
Bid Number 22-1415 – Garbage Pick-Up Service
Specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Lauderdale County Superintendent of Education, 301 46th Court Meridian, MS 39305 or by calling (601) 693-1683. Official documents can also be downloaded from Central Bidding at . Bid Proposals may be submitted via mail or in person at the above noted address or electronically at For questions related to the electronic bid process call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. All other questions should be directed to the Purchasing Agent, Susan McKee by emailing
[email protected].
The Lauderdale County Board of Education reserves the right to accept/reject any and all proposals and waives informalities. No Proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after scheduled opening.
John-Mark Cain, Ph.D., Superintendent
Lauderdale County School District
Advertise: Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021