The City of Tuscaloosa seeks the services of a professional firm that has the knowledge, experience and expertise to perform the services as requested.
The firm must be able to perform the following types of services upon request from the City:
Professional Engineering and Related Services for The City of Tuscaloosa - 25th Street Basketball Court Project that includes the following. Develop a preliminary and final design for power, lighting and fiber, bid documents and construction plans with specifications. Provide bid phase and construction phase services.
The firm must comply with all applicable state, local, and federal regulations related to the services provided to the City, which if CDBG money is used to fund part or all of this project will include compliance with all requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the U.S. Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and all other acts, rules, regulations, guidelines and circulars promulgated by various federal departments, agencies, administrations and commissions relating to the CDBG program.
The City reserves the right, subject to negotiation and agreement, in writing, with the selected firm, to either expand or limit the scope of services as needed. The selected firm will be required to have sufficient personnel to complete the tasks required by this scope of services. The selected firm will complete the required tasks in a timely and efficient manner. The selected facility would be expected to enter into a contract for services based upon the negotiated fee structure.
The City of Tuscaloosa seeks the services of a professional firm that has the knowledge, experience and expertise to perform the services as requested.
The firm must be able to perform the following types of services upon request from the City:
Professional Engineering and Related Services for The City of Tuscaloosa - 25th Street Basketball Court Project that includes the following. Develop a preliminary and final design for power, lighting and fiber, bid documents and construction plans with specifications. Provide bid phase and construction phase services.
The firm must comply with all applicable state, local, and federal regulations related to the services provided to the City, which if CDBG money is used to fund part or all of this project will include compliance with all requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 (the U.S. Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and all other acts, rules, regulations, guidelines and circulars promulgated by various federal departments, agencies, administrations and commissions relating to the CDBG program.
The City reserves the right, subject to negotiation and agreement, in writing, with the selected firm, to either expand or limit the scope of services as needed. The selected firm will be required to have sufficient personnel to complete the tasks required by this scope of services. The selected firm will complete the required tasks in a timely and efficient manner. The selected facility would be expected to enter into a contract for services based upon the negotiated fee structure.