2500 Gallon Septic Vacuum Truck
Mississippi > City of Byram
Sealed Bid: 30209218
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Notice is Hereby given that the City of Byram will accept sealed bids for a  2500  Gallon Septic Vacuum Truck. Bids will be accepted on centralbidding.com and at City Hall, 5901 Terry Road, Byram Mississippi, until 10:00 A.M. local time, Monday, April 22, 2024. Immediately thereafter they shall be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids must be sealed and marked 2500 Gallon Septic Vacuum Truck.  
Chassis Specifications:
2024 Chassis or Newer
Front axle load: 12,000
Rear axle load: 21,000
GVWR: 33,000
Engine: Diesel Engine 300 HP @ 2600 GOV RPM
Transmission: 3000RDS 6-Speed Automatic Transmission
Tank Specifications:
2500 Gallons Nominal Aluminum
Single compartment tank
¼” barrel
¼” heads
Reinforced sills with composite isolation boards
12” primary shut off with 4” plumbing.
20” top manway
20” rear cleanout
Rear manway as low as possible in rear head
Full head anti-surge baffles
Interior ring stiffeners as required.
Full length aluminum hose trays
4” rear load line with 4” TTMA flange and deflector
6” discharge with 6” TTMA flange located in rear manway.
(2) rear hose hooks
(3) 5” site eyes
LED light kit with S/T/T, (2) work lights, clearance, and DOT triple lights
7 year, no-leak tank warranty
Pumping System Specifications:
NVE 887 Max package
Air cooled, 531cfm vane pump
Soft start - Hot shift PTO for automatic transmission
Control switches inside the cab accessible from the ground
4” inlet brass lever valve with aluminum cam lock adapter and dust cap
6” inlet brass lever valve with aluminum cam lock adapter and dust cap
Aluminum toolbox 36”x24”x24”
DOT bumper with 2” Receiver Hitch and 7-pin plug
Strobe Light
Back-up Camera

The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. 
City of Byram, Mississippi

Creator Username: COBJK
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Apr-2024 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 22-Apr-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 239 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 22-Apr-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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