City of Central, Louisiana - Provision of Public Services
Louisiana > City of Central
Solicitation: 30161962
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The City of Central, Louisiana desires to enter into an agreement with a qualified entity (“Respondent”) to provide administration and management of public services in accordance with all applicable ordinances and state laws, including but not limited to the Louisiana Public Bid Law.

Please review the details in the attachement below for the specific information required to place a bid on this RFP. 


Please make note of the Amendment No. 1 to the RFP in the Attachment section below.

Electronic bids will be accepted on the Central Auction House web site on or before October 25, 2007 at 12:00 PM CST. 

Questions or requests for information pertaining to this RFP should be posted on the Public Message Board on this web site prior to October 11, 2007 at 5:00 PM.  All posted questions or requests for information will be responded to on the Central Auction House web site.

Additional Notes/Requirements
This RFP is for the complete services associated with providing the administration and management of public services for the City of Central, Louisiana. There will be a single Respondent awarded this contract. If you can not fulfill the entire set of services as outlined in the attached RFP below, please do not bid on this RFP.
Creator Username: CityofCentral
Bidding Privacy: Sealed bidding
Started: 20-Sep-2007 3:54:34 PM CDT
Ends: 25-Oct-2007 12:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 3045 Views, 4 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 25-Oct-2007 12:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
CH2MHILLOMI on 11-Oct-2007 1:14:23 PM CDT
Questions from CH2M HILL OMI: 1. May we submit a test file before the proposal due date (October 25)? 2. May we submit our proposal in separate files?
CityofCentral on 12-Oct-2007 3:36:32 PM CDT
TO: CH2M HILL OM1: I am checking with our coordinator on your request.
CityofCentral on 15-Oct-2007 9:00:05 AM CDT
Yes, you may submit your proposals in separate files, provided that they do not exceed 1GB in total. As for the test file question, we are still conferring on that and hope to have a decision shortly. Thanks.
CityofCentral on 15-Oct-2007 12:46:44 PM CDT
To: CH2MHILLOMI: Our site moderator has assured us that this site is reliable for submitting RFPs. State bid law allows only one bid to be received per applicant. Therefore, it does not appear possible to submit a test bid via this particular site for the City of Central. Everyone is encouraged to submit their bid prior to the deadline to assure there are no issues with the manner in which the bid is posted.
All updates/changes are listed below::
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project CH2M HILL = SEALED = 25-Oct-2007 10:30:41 AM CDT
Bid amount is for base level of service for Year One of the term of contract. Please see the attached Proposal, prepared in response to the City of Central's Request for Proposals, for detailed information about CH2M HILL OMI's pricing approach, service-delivery strategy, and staff qualifications.
Delivery: 365 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed