Louisiana > Lafayette Parish School System
RFQ: 29306536
Listing Information/Advertisement:

            PUBLIC NOTICE – Invitation for Construction Management at Risk (CMAR)
New Wing Additions and Renovations at, Judice Middle School, Acadiana High School and L.J. Alleman    Middle School
The Lafayette Parish School System (LPSS) is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from highly qualified Construction Management firms interested in providing Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) Services for:
New Wing Additions and Renovations at Judice Middle School, Acadiana High School and L.J. Alleman Middle School
The Lafayette Parish School System desires to design wing additions at three (3) existing school campuses:
Judice Middle School
Acadiana High School
L.J. Alleman Middle School 
Each new wing additions consists of classrooms, administrative spaces, and support spaces as required for the grade level and individual needs of each school campus. The projects also includes some renovations to the existing school building interior and exterior spaces and site improvements.
In addition to the website, interested firms may obtain official REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) packages from:
Lee Francis, Purchasing Agent      
Lafayette Parish School System
202 Rue Iberville
Lafayette, LA 70508
Telephone: (337) 521-7329
Fax: (337)233-0782
Email: [email protected]
This LPSS Selection Committee will evaluate only the firms that have obtained the official RFQ package for this solicitation from the RFQ Coordinator - Lee Francis, or website(s) authorized by LPSS.
The original and SIX (6) copies of the SOQ, per Section 4 of the RFQ dated 12/27/2025 may be delivered to the Lafayette Parish School System (LPSS) at the Office of Purchasing, 202 Rue Iberville, Lafayette, Louisiana 70508.
The SOQ submissions for this project will be accepted until 10:00 A.M. on 1/28/2025.
SOQ submissions that have not been received by the aforementioned deadline date and time will be rejected. Additionally, failure to submit all of the information stipulated per Section 4 – Response Instructions of the RFQ, dated 12/27/2024, shall be considered non?responsive and will result in the SOQ submission being rejected.
A Mandatory Pre?Proposal Conference will be conducted at 10:00 am on 01/13/2025 at 202 Rue Iberville, Lafayette, LA 70508 in the Board Room. All firms interested in submitting a SOQ in response to the RFQ are required to attend. SOQ’s submitted by firms who do not attend the Mandatory Pre?Proposal Conference will be rejected.
SOQ Respondents, their consultants, sub?consultants, or other parties representing the proposed team for this solicitation may not contact any LPSS CMAR Selection Committee members concerning this project from the date of the solicitation until after the date of the selection.
LPSS and the LPSS CMAR Selection Committee, reserve the right to reject any or all timely submitted SOQs in response to this RFQ for just cause and waive any information with any proposals received.

Creator Username: LPSS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 27-Dec-2024 10:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 04-Feb-2025 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 696 Views
Event Status: Expired since 04-Feb-2025 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
21-Jan-2025 3:43:27 PM CST
Addendum #3 issued - Moves response submittal date to 2/4/25 @ 10:00 am CST
21-Jan-2025 9:39:28 AM CST
Addendum #2 - Inquiry Responses issued
13-Jan-2025 4:30:39 PM CST
Titled Re-typed in and Addendum #1 added [contains the sign-in sheet from the 10:00 am CST mandatory pre-proposal conference held 1/13/25 and the CMAR Presentation package that was shown by Prouet Architecture & Engineering, LLC during the conference.]