2024 Airport On-Call Planning Services
Louisiana > Greater Lafourche Port Commission
RFQ: 28493311
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Notice is hereby given that the Greater Lafourche Port Commission (“Port Commission”) is requesting Statements of Qualifications from qualified firms for Airport On-Call Planning Services for a five (5) year period beginning from the Notice to Proceed date of the first planning project which the Port Commission may deem necessary for South Lafourche Leonard Miller, Jr. Airport in Galliano, Louisiana.  The projects are subject to the availability of funding from the Federal Aviation Administration, the State of Louisiana and the Port Commission.
The Request for Qualifications and required forms can be obtained by contacting the Port Commission by calling (985) 632-6701, emailing [email protected] ATTN.:  Serena Bruce,  from our website at https//portfourchon.com/news-events/public-notices, or online at www.centralauctionhouse.com.
Sealed submittals labeled “Airport On-Call Planning Services” will be received by the Port Commission at their Administration Office located at 16829 East Main Street, Cut Off, LA 70345 until 2:00 PM local time, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024.  Submittals can be hand delivered or mailed to 16829 East Main Street, Cut Off, LA 70345, or submitted online through www.centralauctionhouse.com.  The Port Commission requests three (3) bound, printed copies if sending hard copies. Electronic copies sent via email will not be accepted. All submittals received after the above specified time will not be considered. Statements of Qualifications must be submitted on a Standard Form 330 (SF 330), which may be obtained from the Port Commission or from the LADOTD Aviation Section.
The scope of services is to provide professional Airport On-Call Planning Consultant Services to the Port Commission, furnishing all services required to assist in the development and management of financing, planning, and design of its general airport development. Services may include the following: Assistance in the administration of the Airport’s Capital Program, Coordination with Design Consultants, Contractors, and Governmental Agencies, Management and administration of the Airport’s DBE Program, Provision of Program Implementation Services, Preparation of Independent Fee Analysis, Preparation of General Planning and Environmental Documents, Preparation of Benefit Cost Analysis, Airport Operational Planning, Coordination and Assistance in updates to the ALP and eALP, Airport Rates and Charges, Preparation of Airport Master Plan update and FAA AGIS survey, Updates to Airport Operations Manual-minimum standards and rules & regulations, Updates to Airport Emergency Plan, Wildlife Mitigation, Obstruction/ Hazard Mitigation, Compatible Land Use Study, and Pavement Maintenance.
The scope of projects for implementation under this planning contract may include the following: Continuation of Airport Terminal Development, Airfield Lighting System Upgrades, Airfield Pavement Strengthening, including Runways, Taxiways and Aprons, Taxiway and Apron Pavement Rehabilitation, Airfield Markings, Runway and Taxiway Extension, Airfield Drainage Improvements, Construction of New Aircraft Hangar Facilities, Airport Perimeter Fencing, Airfield Electrical Vault Improvements, Construction of New Airport Traffic Control Tower/ Remote Tower, Airport Fuel System Upgrades, Lightning Detection System, Runway Safety Area, Instrument Landing System, and International Arrival Facility.
Firms interested in performing these services shall furnish statement of qualifications on a Standard Form 330 (SF 330).  Only the prime (lead) firm must fill out the SF 330 and list any Subconsultants. Criteria and weighting factors will be used by the Port Commission’s selection committee in evaluating proposals. The Port Commission reserves the right to reject all applicants and re-advertise the contract. Following the successful negotiation of fees with the Port Commission, the successful firm will be required to execute the standard LADOTD Aviation Section contract and have an active Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number through www.sam.gov.
The Port Commission, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000 d et. seq. and 49 CFR Part 26 issued pursuant to The Airport and Airway Development Act, affords Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) full opportunity to submit an indication of interest in response to this invitation and will not discriminate against any interested firm on the ground of race, creed, color, sex, age, or national origin in a contract award.
Questions regarding this project should be addressed to Serena Bruce via telephone at (985) 632-6701 or via email at [email protected].  Firms wishing to apply must submit a fully completed SF 330 along with your proposal.  Failure to provide all the information requested may result in the submission being considered non-responsive and the firm will not be given a total score in the evaluation process.
Chett C. Chiasson, Executive Director
Greater Lafourche Port Commission

Creator Username: portfourchonsb
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 24-Jul-2024 8:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 21-Aug-2024 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 551 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 21-Aug-2024 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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