NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Natchez, Mississippi, will receive written sealed bids at the Office of the City Clerk, 124 South Pearl St., Natchez, MS 39120 (601-445-7507), including the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing all activities specified in the Contract Documents, for the rehabilitation of roadway related city streets to include cold milling, asphalt pavement overlay, curb & gutter repair, traffic striping, and related improvements on public rights-of-way located within the City of Natchez and all other related items of work required to complete the project as shown and specified in the Contract Documents, until the hour of 2:00 pm local time on Thursday, March 9, 2023, and thereafter publicly opened, read aloud, and taken under advisement until the next meeting of the Natchez Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
Project plans and contract documents may be obtained in person from Volkert, Inc., the city’s Consulting Engineer, 111 East Capital Street, Suite 250, Jackson, Mississippi 39201 (601-961-0101), upon payment of $50 per set. Plans, contract documents and proposal forms are also on file for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, 124 South Pearl St., Natchez, MS 39121 (601-445-7507).
A Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted at 10:00 a.m., Local Time, on Wednesday, February 8,
2023, in the downstairs conference room of the Natchez City Hall located at 124 S. Pearl
Street, Natchez, Mississippi 39120.