Lafayette Street Drainage Repair
Louisiana > City of Mandeville
Sealed Bid: 26827581
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 11:00 A.M., local time, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, in the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, Mandeville, Louisiana, 3101 East Causeway Approach, Mandeville, LA 70448; for furnishing all labor, materials, supervision, etc., and performing all work necessary to complete the LAFAYETTE STREET DRAINAGE REPAIR, A/E PROJECT NO. 1006A34 for the City of Mandeville, Louisiana.  Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud after 11:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Mandeville, Louisiana.  Any bids received after 11:00 A.M. will be returned unopened. 
The work comprises clearing and grubbing operations; the removal of existing drainage pipe, concrete headwalls, and concrete junction box; and installation of new drainage pipe or pipe liner, and construction of new concrete headwall and junction box.  Site restoration, including landscaping, will be required. 
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., at Mandeville’s Department of Public Works, 1100 Mandeville High Blvd. Mandeville, LA 70471.   
Drawings and Specifications are open for inspection at the Mandeville Department of Public Works Director’s Office, 1100 Mandeville High Blvd., Mandeville, LA, 70471; (985) 624-3169.  A complete set of Contract Documents may be secured from Principal Engineering, Inc., located at 1011 N. Causeway Blvd, Suite 19, Mandeville, LA 70471, (985-624-5001), by licensed Contractors upon payment of FIFTY dollars ($50.00) per set.  This payment is refundable to bonafide bidders returning the Documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the Opening of Bids.
Please find bid related materials and place electronic bids at  For questions relating to the electronic bidding process please call Central Bidding at (225) 810-4814.
Each bid must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of certified check, cashier’s check, or Bid Bond as prescribed by LA RS 38:2218.A.C, in the amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total amount bid and payable without conditions to the Owner as a guarantee that the Bidder, if awarded the Contract, will promptly execute a Contract in accordance with his proposal and all terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 

The outside envelope in which the bid is placed must be clearly marked as follows:
                                    A/E PROJECT NO. 1006A34

Bid Due Date and Time:       JULY 29, 2015 at 11:00am
INCLUDE:   Contractor’s name, address, and Louisiana state contractor’s license number
It is requested, but not mandatory, that the entire bid package be submitted in duplicate.  Duplicate copy can be a photocopy.
All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout.
Mayor Donald J. Villere
City of Mandeville

Creator Username: principalengineering
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 02-Jul-2015 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 29-Jul-2015 11:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1884 Views
Event Status: Expired since 29-Jul-2015 11:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
24-Jul-2015 9:30:19 AM CDT
Added Addendum No. 1
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project Global Industrial Contractors, LLC =SEALED= 29-Jul-2015 9:20:35 AM CDT
Delivery: 0 Days
For entire project Hamp's Construction, LLC =SEALED= 29-Jul-2015 9:30:14 AM CDT
Hamp?s Construction, LLC 1319 Newton St. New Orleans, LA 70114 Louisiana License No. 31943 SEALED BID FOR: Lafayette Street Drainage Repair Project Number: 1006A34 Owner: City of Mandeville 3101 East Causeway Approach Mandeville, LA 70448 To Be Opened On: Wednesday, July 29, 2015@ 11:00 AM To Be Opened At: Mandeville City Hall 3101East Causeway Approach Mandeville, LA70488
Delivery: 0 Days
For entire project Kort's Construction Services, Inc. =SEALED= 29-Jul-2015 10:58:06 AM CDT
Kort's Construction Services, Inc., 2182 Manton Drive, Covington, LA 70433, LA License No.: 49356, City of Mandeville, 3101 East Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, LA 70448, SEALED BID FOR: Lafayette Street Drainage Repair, BID OPENING: Wednesday, 7/29/2015, 11:00 a.m.
Delivery: 0 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed