Louisiana > East Feliciana Parish School Board
Sealed Bid: 26652944
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Separate sealed bids will be received by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana 70722, no later than 1:30P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, for the sale of Pine and Hardwood Timber  on two (2) tracts of East  Feliciana Parish School Board property known as the "Plank Road Tract" (Tract  I) located off Plank Road and Noel Thomas Road in Section 1 6, Township 3 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana and the "Old Clinton Middle School Tract'' (Tract 2), located off Hwy. 67 North in Section 72, Township 2 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish.

A separate written timber contract on a form approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board will be required for each Tract.
Bids submitted after 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, and telephoned or faxed bids will not be accepted.  Complete bid documents may be obtained from Timberland Forestry LLC.,  P. 0. Box 2009, Clinton, LA 70722, Telephone (225) 978-1576. Bidders may now find related bid materials and submit electronic bids online at
Separate sealed bids received are to be opened and read aloud in the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room located at 12732 Silliman  Street, Town  of Clinton, Louisiana,  by the East Feliciana Parish  School  Board Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled  for  I :30  P.M. on  Thursday, March 19, 2015. The Bid Opening  Committee  will present the same along  with timber contracts for consideration  to the East Fel iciana Parish School  Board at its upcoming Tuesday,  April 14, 201 5 Regular Board Meeting beginning  at 5:00  P.M.   In the event  identical high successful  bids are received, the bid received first in time by the Bid Opening Committee will be recommended  to the East Feliciana Parish School Board.
The East Feliciana School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and formalities.


Creator Username: EFPSBSS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 19-Feb-2015 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 19-Mar-2015 1:30:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1240 Views
Event Status: Expired since 19-Mar-2015 1:30:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
19-Feb-2015 2:36:54 PM CST