Reroofing at The Center
Louisiana > Special Education District #1
Sealed Bid: 23750141
Listing Information/Advertisement:

 a.  Alternate No. 1 - Additive - Contractor shall estimate and submit the lump sum amount to install new metal coping in size, gauge and finish to match existing, which is to be removed, and as indicated and described in the Contract Documents. (See Section 01 23 00 - Alternates and Section 07 52 00 - Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing.)
2.         The reroofing of the main building on The Center campus as shown and described in the Contract Documents consists of the following: (This is a partial list. Refer to the rest of this specification and drawings for additional notes and information.)
 a.         This project entails the reroofing of the main building on The Center campus. The existing roof consist of a modified bitumen roof system over a lightweight insulated concrete poured over a metal deck.
b.         While reroofing, the existing snap-lock coping will be removed and replaced after roofing material has been installed. Care shall be taken in this process so as not to damage any existing coping. Any areas of existing coping with scratches, before or after removal, shall be touch-up painted with Kynar 500 paint to match the existing paint finish on the existing coping.
 c.         During the removal of roofing, inspect all wood for signs of rotting or other damages and replace with new treated wood in size and shape to match damaged wood removed.
 d.         Install new roof traffic pads compatible with new roofing system. Surface of traffic pad shall be non-slip waterproofed. Traffic pads shall start at roof skylight / roof hatch and lead to mechanical equipment or as indicated on roof plans.
 e.         Where caulking is used on this project, it shall be Sonneborn Sonolastic Urethane NP-1 or NP-2. Note: PS-209 Elastomeric Sealant by Siplast shall be used in coordination with all Siplast roofing.
 f.         At all existing drains, provide a minimum 30” square 4 lb. lead flashing or 20 oz. soft copper flashing set on new finished roofing felts in mastic prime top surface and set in mastic metal flashing. Metal flashing and flash-in plies shall extend under drain clamping ring. Stripping felts shall extend 6” beyond edge of flashing sheet, but not beyond the sump.
 g.         Remove all rust and scale from the entire filter section of the kitchen hood and the gas pipe connected to it then prime and paint.
 h.         Paint wood skids beneath the filter section of the kitchen hood.
 i.         All rusting exhaust fan metal fasteners shall be removed and replaced with aluminum fasteners in same size, shape and type as existing metal fasteners.
 j.        Prime and paint existing boiler as indicated in painting specifications.

Additional Notes/Requirements
THE BID DATE AND TIME HAS BEEN MOVED TO TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2021, AT 10:00 AM. Sealed bids will be received by the Special Education Distr. No. 1 until 10:00 AM on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, in the Conference Room of The Center located at 5510 West Ave. D - West 55th St., Cut Off, LA 70345, at which time bids for the REROOFING AT THE CENTER will be opened and publicly read aloud.
Creator Username: GHCARCHDB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 11-Mar-2021 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 23-Mar-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 424 Views
Event Status: Expired since 23-Mar-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
11-Mar-2021 2:23:31 PM CST
AD #3 - Changed Bid Opening Date