Louisiana > West Baton Rouge Parish School Board
RFQ: 2349753
Listing Information/Advertisement
Public Notice
Invitation for Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) Services for Cohn Elementary School Renovations and Additions Project
The West Baton Rouge Parish School Board (“School Board”) is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from highly qualified construction firms interested in providing Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) Services for:
Cohn Elementary School Renovations and Additions Project
805 14th Street
Port Allen , Louisiana 70767
An electronic file is available at www.centralauctionhouse.com
In addition to the above website location, interested firms may obtain official Request for Qualifications (RFQ) packages from:
West Baton Rouge Parish School Board
Attention: Chad Fontenot
3761 Rosedale Road
Port Allen, LA 70767
(225) 343-8309
Email: [email protected]
Only those firms that have obtained the official RFQ package for this solicitation from the West Baton Rouge Parish School Board or online at Central Auction House will be considered by the School Board Selection Committee.
The original and ten (10) copies of the SOQ are to be delivered to the West Baton Rouge Parish School Board at 3761 Rosedale Road, Port Allen, LA 70767.
The SOQ submissions for this project will be accepted until 2:00 P.M.  on January 24, 2025.
SOQ submissions that have not been received by the aforementioned deadline date and time will be rejected. Additionally, failure to submit all of the information required by the RFQ may render the SOQ non?responsive and may result in the SOQ submission being rejected.
A Mandatory Pre?Proposal Conference will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 8, 2024. Proposers desiring to submit an SOQ must meet at the School Board’s Central Office located at 3761 Rosedale Road, Port Allen, LA 70767 , after which a site visit will take place at the Project location. All firms interested in submitting a SOQ in response to the RFQ are required to attend the entire Pre-Proposal Conference. SOQs submitted by firms who do not attend the Mandatory Pre?Proposal Conference will be rejected.
SOQ Respondents, their consultants, sub?consultants, or other parties representing the proposed team for this solicitation may not contact any School Board CMAR Selection Committee members, Board members, or employees other than the RFQ Coordinator concerning this project from the date of the solicitation until after the date of selection.
The School Board and the School Board’s CMAR Selection Committee reserve the right to reject any or all timely submitted SOQs in response to this RFQ for just cause and waive any informalities with any proposals received.

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