The Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District (“MCHTD”) is soliciting proposals from qualified contractors for the following four projects: (1) integration of CAD with security equipment and systems owned by the MCHTD, including the Visual Electronics Transmission (VETS) and Touch-Assisted Command-and-Control System (TACCS); (2) upgrade and maintenance of current MCHTD security equipment and visual & electronic transmission systems; (3) maintenance of its Port of Morgan City Regional Collaboration Network (“PMCRCN”) equipment and systems owned by the MCHTD; and (4) maintenance and annual services of its Touch-Assisted Command-and-Control System (TACCS).
These projects are considered to be security sensitive and all parties involved must maintain a reasonable level of security to protect the interest of the District. In compliance with LSA R.S. 44:3.1 and other pertinent laws, potential vendors must sign the District’s Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) prior to receiving any project or bid documentation. The NDA will be available online at and at the District’s Office, 800 Youngs Road, Morgan City, Louisiana 70380, (985) 384-0850 or via email request to The executed NDA must be submitted to Michael Knobloch, Fiduciary Agent at, or at the above address.
Upon receipt of the NDA by the District, the request for proposal will be made available to any potential vendor. Bid or project documentation can also be viewed, downloaded and submitted online at: Sealed proposals for the projects will be received by the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District (“District”), P. O. Box 1460, 800 Youngs Road, Morgan City, Louisiana, until 12:00 noon on December 4, 2015, at the District’s 800 Youngs Road Office, at which time and place proposals will be publicly opened and read. No proposals will be reviewed if received after 12:00 noon on December 4, 2015.
The award of a contract, if awarded, will be made to the most advantageous proposal whose proposal complies with all technical requirements prescribed. The successful vendor will be notified in writing at the address shown on the proposal that the bidder is awarded the contract.