Globalplex Intermodal Dock Second Access Bridge
Louisiana > Port of South Louisiana
Sealed Bid: 2304288
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids and electronic bids for the construction of the following project will be received by the Port of South Louisiana, 1720 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana 70084 until June 4, 2024 at 10:00 AM which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.  No bids will be received after 10:00 AM.  As a minimum, “ATTN: Paul Matthews, Executive Director, SEALED BID for Globalplex Intermodal Dock Second Access Bridge, Contractor’s Name & License # ” should appear on the outside of the sealed envelope.  Bids can also be submitted at
PORT IMPROVEMENTS TO:          Globalpex Intermodal Dock Second Access Bridge
LOCATED IN:                                   St. John the Baptist Parish
TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:          Construction of a new access bridge
CLASSIFICATION:                          Heavy Construction, Electrical
CONTRACTING AGENCY:            Port of South Louisiana
                                                            1720 Highway 44
                                                            Reserve, LA 70084
PROPOSAL GUARANTY:                           5% of the Amount of Bid
                                                            Payable to Port of South Louisiana
ENGINEER:                                      AECOM
                                                            1555 Poydras St., Suite 1200
                                                            New Orleans, LA 70112
TELEPHONE:                                    (504) 586-8111
FACSIMILE:                                      (504) 552-0554
The project is located at the Port of South Louisiana, Globalplex, in Reserve, Louisiana.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the Port of South Louisiana, Engineer's office or at   Plans may be obtained from the Engineer upon payment of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) in certified check, company or cashier’s check payable to the Engineer.  In accordance with R.S. 38:2212 D, deposits on the first set of documents furnished bona fide prime bidders will be fully refunded upon return of the documents, deposits on any additional sets will be refunded less the actual costs of reproduction.  Refunds will be made upon return of the documents if within ten days after receipt of bids.  The payment for all sets of Bidding Documents furnished to subcontractors and suppliers will be non-refundable.  Good condition is defined as free of all pencil, pen, highlighter and other marks, free of significant tears, and free of missing sheets or pages.  Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be issued.  Bidding Documents will be shipped only if the requesting party makes all arrangements and assumes responsibility for all charges.  An additional Fifty Dollars ($50.00) will be charged for shipping and handling for Federal Express mailing.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and site visit will be held on May 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM the Port of South Louisiana, 1720 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana 70084.  All prime Bidders are required to attend and all subcontractors, material suppliers, and other interested persons are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting as a condition of submitting bids. The purpose of the site visit is for all Bidders to familiarize themselves with the project conditions, location, limitations and existing site conditions.
Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount 5%, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders.  Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.
Bids must be submitted on the forms provided by the Port of South Louisiana, must be prepared in accordance with Section 2 of the 2018 Edition of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office Multimodal Commerce, General Provisions and must include all the information required by the bid form. Bid forms are available from the Engineer and will not be issued later than 24 hours prior to the time set for opening the bids.  Each bid shall include a proposal guaranty in an amount not less than specified above.
Bidder shall certify that he is licensed under the provisions of LSA-R.S. 37:2150 et seq. and shall show his license number on the bid envelope.  Except as otherwise provided in LSA-R.S. 37:2163, any bid that does not contain the contractor’s certification and show the contractor’s license number on the bid envelope shall automatically be rejected, shall be returned to the bidder stamped “Rejected” and shall not be read aloud.  Any Bidder who submits a bid for a type of construction for which he is not properly licensed shall be acting in violation of LSA-R.S. 37:2163 and shall be subject to all provisions for violations and penalties thereof.  Any interested person may object to the licensing classification of this public project in accordance with LSA-R.S. 37:2163 D.  Any bid that does not require the Bidder to hold a license shall state the exemption on the bid envelope and shall be treated as a lawful bid for the purpose of LSA-R.S. 37:2163.
Bids will be received on a unit price bid basis.
In accordance with La R.S. 38:2212 B. (5) Written evidence of the authority of the person signing the bid for public works shall be submitted at the time of bidding. The authority of the signature of the person submitting the bid shall be deemed sufficient and acceptable if any of the following conditions are met:
(a) The signature on the bid is that of any corporate officer listed on the most current annual report on file with the secretary of state, or the signature on the bid is that of any member of a partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or other legal entity listed in the most current business records on file with the secretary of state.
(b) The signature on the bid is that of an authorized representative as documented by the legal entity certifying the authority of the person.
(c) The legal entity has filed in the appropriate records of the secretary of state of this state, an affidavit, resolution, or other acknowledged or authentic document indicating the names of all parties authorized to submit bids for public contracts. Such document on file with the secretary of state shall remain in effect and shall be binding upon the principal until specifically rescinded and canceled from the records of the office.
The Port of South Louisiana reserves the right to: reject any and all Bids; waive any and all informalities not involving prices, references or product capabilities; and disregard all nonconforming and nonresponsive bids per Louisiana Public Bid Law.
The award of a contract, if awarded, will be made to the lowest qualified bidder whose proposal complies with all requirements prescribed within 45 calendar days after opening proposals.  However, when the contract is to be financed by bonds which are required to be sold after receipts of bids, or when the contract is to be financed in whole or part by federal or other funds not available at the time bids are received, the time will not start until receipt of federal and/or state concurrence or concurrence of the other funding source.  Award will be within 30 calendar days after the sale of bonds or receipt of concurrence in award from federal and/or state agency or other funding source.  The successful bidder will be notified by letter mailed to the address shown in the proposal that the bidder is awarded the contract.
If a nonresident contractor bidding on public work in the State of Louisiana is domiciled in a state that provides a percentage preference in favor of contractors domiciled in that state over Louisiana resident contractors for the same type of work, then every Louisiana resident contractor shall be granted the same preference over contractors domiciled in the other state favoring contractors domiciled therein whenever the nonresident contractor bids on public work in Louisiana (LSA-R.S. 38:2225 A).
The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex or national origin.  Disadvantaged businesses will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids.
The award of a contract for projects financed either partially or entirely with State bonds will be contingent on approval by the State Bond Commission.  On projects involving federal funds the award of contract will also be contingent upon concurrence by the appropriate federal agency.  On projects involving state funds the award of contract will also be contingent upon concurrence by the appropriate state agency.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond guaranteeing the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the contract.
Pursuant to LSA-R.S. 38:2215, the Owner and the low bidder may, by mutual agreement, extend the award by one or more 30 calendar day extensions.
A Notice to Proceed will be issued for the Project.  All work is to commence within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the issuance of the Owner’s Notice to Proceed (Work Order).
The Work shall be substantially completed within three hundred and thirty-five (335) calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 8.07 of the General Provisions, and fully completed in accordance with Paragraph 8.07 of the General Provisions within three hundred and sixty-five (365) calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run.
Liquidated Damages shall be assessed for every day beyond the date of completion as established in section SP-3 of the Additional Special Provisions Section 00850 which supersedes the damages described in the General Provisions.
All employees must have U.S. Citizenship or legal authorization to work in the United States (E-Verify).
Contractors shall comply with Section 00860.
Port of South Louisiana                               
Paul Matthews
Executive Director
May 2, 2024
May 9, 2024
May 16, 2024

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
BohBrosBB on 03-May-2024 7:51:50 AM CDT
I am having difficulties downloading file - IFB 36-P21-18-01 SPECS.pdf
Bomaccon1 on 03-May-2024 4:35:55 PM CDT
I am unable to download the file titled 'IFB 36-P21-18-01 SPECS'. Please help
Bomaccon1 on 10-May-2024 2:00:50 PM CDT
Can a pile schedule be provided?
Bomaccon1 on 20-May-2024 8:59:12 AM CDT
Can you provide some clarity as to what the pile to cap connection will be? The plan shows the pile head will have hooked rebar as well as a 4” CMP. We have never seen both of these in the pile head together. If Hooked rebars are needed we need to know the lengths and if it will be standard hook. Also, with Waskey beams, we use a 3” CMP. This this something we could use instead of the 4”? We will have to special order the 4” and have 3” readily available as a stocked item.
Bomaccon1 on 24-May-2024 8:32:48 AM CDT
1. The cable tray section at the new bridge tie in point has an unknow cable that we will need to reroute and probably splice to be able to move the tray out of the way. We need to know a few things to give an accurate quote. See Attached picture. a. Voltage b. Size of cable c. Cable Specs 2. On DWG S403, do the joints need to be expansion joints or construction joints? If expansion joints are required, are they 1/2” per DWG S403 or 1½” per DWG C201? 3. What size and length of pile is required for test piles? 4. We would like to request a 1-week bid extension. 5. Please confirm bid form quantities for pile lf. a. Bid Form Quantities: i. 18” Plumb – 6218 lf ii. 18” Batter – 9347 lf iii. 24” Plumb – 407 lf iv. 24” Batter – 413 lf b. Takeoff Quantities: i. 18” Plumb – 5396 lf ii. 18” Batter – 9357 lf iii. 24” Plumb – 410 lf iv. 24” Batter – 416 lf 6. Can you provide some clarity as to what the pile to cap connection will be? The plan shows the pile head will have hooked rebar as well as a 4” CMP. We have never seen both of these in the pile head together. If Hooked rebars are needed we need to know the lengths and if it will be standard hook. Also, with Waskey beams, we use a 3” CMP. This this something we could use instead of the 4”? We will have to special order the 4” and have 3” readily available as a stocked item. 7. Are contractors allowed to use the dock and approach for receiving and hauling materials to the jobsite. 8. Are contractors allowed to utilize the cranes on the dock to offload materials from barges at cost to the contractor.
brownindustrial on 24-May-2024 9:01:33 AM CDT
1. Can we offload piles from the existing bridge? 2. What months should the river stages be considered in the pre-bid CPM? 3. What are the load restrictions across the levee for delivers?
brownindustrial on 24-May-2024 9:04:32 AM CDT
Are there DBE requirements?
brettruppel on 24-May-2024 11:45:56 AM CDT
• What type of cement is required for concrete pile? • Sheet C-201 show 4 high mast light pole foundations with 4 concrete pile in each one. The pay items call out 3 each, which is correct? • S-103 shows 18” concrete pile supporting bents 32 - 27 in the levee cross sections for the spread footing. The cross sections for those bents do not show concrete pile, which is correct? • The electrical conduit on the bridge where we tie-in to the dock, who relocates? • Joint detail at approach calls for control joint, sheet C-201 doesn’t have a control joint detail. Which one is required? • What pay item does the work for the approach slab go into? If its covered in the rigid payment item the quantities do not match. • Sheet S-403 shows transverse expansion joints for the spread footing but doesn’t call out longitudinal joints. Are there any? Also there is no detail for these expansion joints. • What AISC certifications are required by the steel fabricator to supply the steel members on this project? • What pay item are the elastomeric bearing pads covered in? • There is no rebar detail for the 18” concrete approach slab, can you provided one? • Sheet S-404 shows a cross section of the bridge concrete spread footing, there appears to be a void in between the spread footing and the bridge panels. Is this required to be filled?
Bomaccon1 on 29-May-2024 11:14:53 AM CDT
Please provide required specs for the ductile iron drainpipe.
BohBrosBB on 30-May-2024 3:10:40 PM CDT
Can an email address be provided to submit questions? Or are all questions due through Central Auction?
BohBrosBB on 30-May-2024 3:12:45 PM CDT
Will there be an allowed/agreed upon assembly time period for the test pile program & material procurement?
BohBrosBB on 30-May-2024 3:22:33 PM CDT
Due to River fluctuations & unknown waiting period, a separate costly mobe/demobe may be required for Test Pile #1 (unprotected side of levee). Can the test pile requirements be reconsidered for TP#1?
OIC2022 on 03-Jun-2024 1:31:03 PM CDT
In reviewing the specifications of deliverables for this bid submission, I am finding conflicting information. Section 00100 – Instructions to Bidders, page 14/1149, under Bid Forms, the specs state the LAUPW bid form, bid bond, Power of Attorney and Corporate Resolution are to be submitted as the bid page. The Bidder’s Check List, Page 15 of 1149, confirms this information as well. However, in addenda #1, page 23/138, it states that all exhibits must be completed and included with the bid proposal. Will you please clarify what is to be submitted with the bid proposal?
OIC2022 on 03-Jun-2024 1:31:57 PM CDT
Will you please confirm if there is a DBE Goal on this project?
OIC2022 on 04-Jun-2024 1:49:15 PM CDT
Would it be possible to request a 2 week extension based off Addendum 3 to allow ample time for subs and vendors to adjust their quotes?
Bomaccon1 on 04-Jun-2024 2:45:02 PM CDT
We would also like to request a 2-week extension based off the outcome of Addendum 3?
brettruppel on 07-Jun-2024 10:30:10 AM CDT
Is Railroad protective insurance required on this project? There are no railroads in the project limits.
OIC2022 on 12-Jun-2024 3:40:21 PM CDT
Adverse Weather - The Contract Documents appear unclear on dealing with excusable weather delays for adverse weather in excess of anticipated. Please provide the monthly table of expected adverse weather days or confirm that the use of either U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or another government tabulation of expected adverse weather by month for the Project area is acceptable, and, confirm that such adverse weather days in excess of those expected, if any, shall be handled by the parties as an compensable delay, or explain what is intended. Changes - Change Orders - The Contract Documents appear unclear on the amount of time for Owner review of a Proposed Change Order. Please confirm that any Proposed Change Order (PCO) delivered by Contractor to Owner shall receive approval or be returned with written comment within fourteen (14) calendar days, or thereafter be considered null and void without further action by either party, unless extended in a signed writing by Contractor before 6:00 PM local time at the Owner's place of business on the 14th day after the date that such PCO was delivered by Contractor to Owner, or identify any other period Owner intends. Damages (Consequential) - The Contract Documents do not expressly exclude damages other than direct damages or liquidated damages. These other damages would be in the nature of indirect damages. Please confirm that each Party expressly waives any claim for indirect or consequential damages that could be demanded by either Party against the other, or explain what is intended. Liquidated Damages - Please confirm that Liquidated Damages ("LDs") are the Owner's sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any late substantial completion ("SC") caused solely by Contractor, and confirm that the Owner agrees that the Parties shall consider LDs to be direct damages and not to be considered indirect damages, or explain what is intended. Delay - Excusable - The Contract Documents lack clarity on the handling of excess adverse weather. Please confirm that the Parties will use a standard calendar of anticipated adverse weather of expected days by month of expected adverse weather and that Contractor shall track, document and present adverse weather in excess of anticipated on a weekly basis for an adjustment of the Contract Time, with such adjustment presented on a monthly basis, or explain what is intended. Delay - Recovery of Time Obligation - The Contract Documents appear to allow the Owner to direct acceleration without compensation when the cause for critical path delay is by other than the Contractor. Please confirm that the Parties shall negotiate the compensable impacts of any directed or constructive acceleration of the Work except where such acceleration or recovery of delay to the Project critical path due solely to Contractor critical path delay and without corresponding critical path delay by the Owner or others, or explain what is intended. Equipment Control - Article 8.09(c) on page 119 of 1149 indicates that Owner may take control or possession of Contractor's equipment. This would be acceptable as to equipment that is incorporated into the Project, but not as to construction equipment, vehicles and tools. Such action would violate existing covenants and enforceable agreements and is not permitted. Owner's proper remedy in Default for Work completion is the Performance Bond. Please confirm that Owner will not take possession or control of Contractor's construction equipment, vehicles, or tools, or explain what is intended. Hazardous Materials - The Contract Documents are unclear on existing HAZMAT. Please confirm that the Contract Documents disclose any presently existing HAZMAT within the project limits and include the location, the specific material(s) and concentrations determined, when such HAZMAT is expected to be remediated by the Owner, or explain what is intended Materials on Hand / Stored Mat'ls - The Contract Documents appear unclear on payment for stored materials/material on hand. Please confirm that so long as Contractor stores, segregates and safeguards project materials procured for the Project in a mutually-agreed manner, and makes such material available for Owner/Client inspection, Contractor may invoice the cost of such stored material with overhead and profit for such stored materials or explain what is intended. Retainage - Please indicate whether retainage may be placed by Owner at Contractor's request in an interest earning account until such payment of retainage with interest earned to Contractor, or explain why this is not available. Time Impact Analysis - The Contract Documents appear unclear on the method of analyzing alleged Contract Delays. Please confirm that the Parties intend to: 1) use the most recent updated schedule prior to the delaying event, 2) insert the delating activity or activity fragmentary network and 2) then analyze the days of impact to the expected Substantial Completion Date; or, explain what method will be used. Right of Way Acquisition - The Contract Documents do not indicate incomplete right-of-way ("ROW") acquisition or impairment of Project Work. Please confirm; or, if there are acquisition, easement or title issues, please disclose those in writing and indicate the expected date of resolution of each and provide the contact information for such land-acquisition person or persons. Utilities - The Contract Documents do not appear to indicate any specific Utility Conflicts with underground infrastructure. Please confirm that the Plans properly reflect all known, existing subsurface utilities and infrastructure (whether in the ground or adjacent waters, if any), or specifically identify what inaccuracies exist, where, and with respect to what specific utilities services (like water, sewer, gas, low voltage); and, provide the expected date of relocation or removal, indicating the responsible entity and point of contact for each separate utility. Utility Excavation - The Contract Documents are silent on the relocation of any utility conflicts, if encountered. Please identify necessary each incomplete utility relocation, if any, within the project limits with a date for completion and a contact for coordination; and, please confirm that the Parties shall negotiate an equitable adjustment for any cost or time impacts resulting from undisclosed utilities, if encountered, or explain what is intended.
All updates/changes are listed below::
05-Jun-2024 1:51:36 PM CDT
added Addendum No. 4- extends bid date
04-Jun-2024 11:06:45 AM CDT
added Addendum No. 3
28-May-2024 5:18:30 PM CDT
removed Addendum No. 2 and added revised Addendum No.2
28-May-2024 4:45:25 PM CDT
added Addendum No. 2
15-May-2024 8:47:40 AM CDT
Added Addendum No.1
03-May-2024 10:51:19 AM CDT
spec attachment
03-May-2024 10:51:11 AM CDT
spec attachment
02-May-2024 10:49:24 AM CDT