Security Protection Service
Mississippi > Vicksburg-Warren School District
Sealed Bid: 22966247
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Vicksburg Warren School District
1500 Mission 66
P. O. Box 820065
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39182

Request for Proposal
Security Protection Service

Delivery Summary Statement:

The Vicksburg Warren School District will accept proposals for uniformed, armed guard protection service to
protect the premises owned by the district in the Central Office Board Room, 1500 Mission 66, Vicksburg,
Mississippi at 9:00 a.m., May 17, 2018. The period of this contract will be July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2020
with an option for renewal.

Service Agreements will be made and signed upon board acceptance of bid.

Delivery of Bids:
(1) Official bid documents can be obtained by email upon request, from the VWSD website or downloaded from Central Bidding at
(2) Bids will be received until the time set, and at the location designated in the Delivery Summary Statement above unless notice is given of postponement. Any bid not received prior to the time set for opening bids will be rejected absent extenuating circumstances and such bids shall be rejected in all cases where received after the first
packet of bids is opened.
(3) Each bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope. On the outside of the envelope, the bidder shall write in large letters “Proposal”, below which is to be marked in the outside lower left-hand corner: Vicksburg Warren School District Security Services Bid #17-18-03, May 17, 2018, 9:00 a.m. and the name of the bidder.
(4) Bids may be delivered in person, by mail if ample time is allowed for delivery or online through the following website ( When sent by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid, marked as indicated above, shall be enclosed in another envelope for mailing. Official bid documents can also be downloaded from Central at For any questions relating to the bid or reverse auction process, please call Central Auction House at 225-810-4814.

Each paper bid packet should have 1 original and 2 copies.

This Purchase Agreement will be awarded on a per bid element. Questions concerning this request can be directed to Shaquita Burke, Director of Finance at [email protected].

The Vicksburg Warren School District reserves the right to consider all factors and to select the best proposal
based on service, performance, and not necessarily the low price. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to
accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive informalities.

Creator Username: VWSDSB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 02-May-2018 10:50:03 AM CDT
Ends: 17-May-2018 9:01:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1610 Views, 2 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 17-May-2018 9:01:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
VWSDSB on 07-May-2018 12:12:20 PM CDT
Name of the current vendor (security company): Thomas & Thomas Security Current billable rate. Regular: $12.75 per hour / Special Projects $13.00
VWSDSB on 09-May-2018 12:48:39 PM CDT
1. First is in certain schools (page 3) the service is only needed for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. Given that most Security Guard companies have a minimum shift time of 4 hours, how are you currently covering this shift? Currently, the RFP is only requiring those two hours per location for traffic control. I will be up to the Security Company to reallocate those resources per their company policies. At this time, after the 2 security officers leave that site, the school is maintained with school resource officers. The reason for two guards is because one building houses 2 schools; therefore 2 guards are needed in the morning and evening for that hour. Have you considered off-duty Sheriff Details? Deputy Sheriff's have been considered but their lack of manpower at this time makes off-duty work challenging. 2. In regard to the training listed on Page 4, named “The school safety officer training course”, and continuing training, can you please tell me how many hours per year per officer assuming no turnover? Each officer is required to have 40 hours of continuing training yearly, and the security basic course is a one-time certification which certifies the officer as a security safety officer in the state of Mississippi with no expiration. 3. So just to clarify, while the Officers are mostly unarmed, I would just like to clarify that all Security Officers need to be arms certified, bonded and have the ability and clean drivers license so they can drive busses if need be (Page 6). If you plan to arm any of your security guards, which is not a requirement, they need to meet all specifications mention in the contract, if awarded. Clarification( Security does not drive nor park buses just monitor bus parking.) 4. Finally, will the finalists be able to do a service offering presentation prior to the decision being made? VWSD is open to having these presentations included as an option of the bid opening process.
All updates/changes are listed below::
09-May-2018 9:43:46 AM CDT
Updated date on signature page (pg 10) to show June 30, 2018 instead of July 30, 2016.
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project Thomas and Thomas Security =SEALED= 16-May-2018 12:23:48 PM CDT

Vicksburg Warren School District
Security Services Bid #17-18-03
May 17, 2018
9:00 A.M.
Thomas and Thomas Security, LLC
Delivery: 0 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed