Orleans Marina Seepage Repairs - Parking Lot Resurfacing Attachment: For Advertisement Specifications SLPFA-E-Orleans Marina Parking Lot-Stamped 4-24-24.pdf 
Louisiana > Flood Protection Authority - East
Sealed Bid: 21035892
Listing Information/Advertisement
The work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for resurfacing of the Orleans Marina Parking Lot and Repairing Sinkholes at Pier No. 1 and No. 2 as shown on the plans, as well as, any related and incidental materials and work, as per the drawings and specifications provided in this bid document. The site is located at the 221 Lake Marina Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana.

All updates/changes are listed below::
10-May-2024 7:41:05 AM CDT
Added Addendum #1
24-Apr-2024 8:11:51 AM CDT
Edited Listing Information
24-Apr-2024 6:29:28 AM CDT
Added plans and specifications
23-Apr-2024 3:55:46 PM CDT
Changed type of listing