Legros Memorial Airport RFQ - Engineering Services
Louisiana > Acadia Parish Police Jury
RFQ: 20594957
Listing Information/Advertisement:

RFQ- Legros Memorial Airport
Notice is hereby given that the Acadia Parish Police Jury is requesting submittal of qualification statements from professional engineering and planning firms interested in performing professional engineering services at the LeGros Memorial Airport (3R2) for the project period of approximately three (3) years with the option for two, one-year extensions. Projects are to be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration and LA DOTD Division for approval.
The project description includes:
1. Airfield Perimeter Fence - Phase I (Landside Fencing)
2. Taxiway & AG Ramp Panel Repair & Joint Reseal
3. Airfield Drainage Improvements - Phase IIIB (Construction)
4. Airfield Perimeter Fence - Phase II (Airside Fencing)
5. 5 Unit Hangar and Apron
6. Airfield Markings - Rehabilitation
7. Airfield Lighting Upgrade to LED
8. Runway 4-22 Parallel Taxiway - Phase I (Design)
9. Runway 13-31 Lighting Improvements
10. Runway 4-22 Parallel Taxiway - Phase II (Construction)
11. Aviation Fuel System
The scope of services may include topographic surveys and preliminary investigations,
preparation of preliminary and final construction plans and specifications, cost estimates, grant management, construction administration, resident inspection and other special services. These projects are to include project administrative procedures and any additional projects that are funded within the time frame of the professional services contract. Project implementation is totally dependent upon FAA and DOTD funding.’
Firms interest in performing theses services shall furnish three (3) copies of their statement of qualifications on a Standard Form 330 (SF330). Scoring of the selection criteria shall be on a numerical scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible score and 1 being the lowest possible score. The score for each criterion will be multiplied by its weight factor, which indicated the importance of each criterion as it relates to this contract.
Firms interested in performing these services shall furnish a Statement of Qualifications on DOTD standard Form SF-330. Copies of the FAA Circular AC 150/1500-14E and SF-330 are available at DOTD/Division of Aviation at www.dotd.gov/aviation.
The criteria and weighting factors to be use by the Sponsor in evaluating responses will be as follows:
General Firm Information
Sub-Consultants Information
Experience Firm/Sub consultants - weight value - 5
Experience - Key Staff - weight value - 5
Past Performance - weight value - 1
Current Work Load - weight value - 3
Firm Size and Technical Disciplines - weight value - 1
Location - weight value – 1
Following the evaluation of the Statements of Qualification received by the Sponsor’s selection committee, the top three (3) applicants shall be placed on a short list. It shall be the option of the sponsor, if the sponsor or selection committee feels further evaluation of the qualified short list applicants is necessary in order to determine the top-ranked firm, to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to all short list applicants. The RFP issued to all short list applicant shall contain instructions on the format (such as written proposal, interview, presentation, etc.) to be used in submitting proposals and information on how the proposals will be evaluated. Following the final evaluation of qualified applicants, the Sponsor will place the applicants in a final ranking based on qualifications. The Sponsor will then enter fee negotiations with the top-ranked firm
for the contract, with the unsuccessful firms being notified accordingly. Should these
negotiations be unsuccessful, the sponsor shall enter negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on. The Sponsor reserves the right to reject all applicants and re-advertise for the contract.
The successful firm will be required to execute a standard DOTO/Division of Aviation type of contract in conformance with all City, Parish, DOTD and FAA guidelines, standards, and assurances.
The Statement of Qualifications Form SF-330 (3 copies) shall be mailed or delivered to:
Acadia Parish Police Jury
LeGros Memorial Airport (3R2)
505 Northeast Court Circle
P. O. Box A, Crowley, LA 70527-6001
Attention: Bryan Borill, Secretary-Treasurer/Administrator
Statement of Qualifications (3 copies) will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. local time on June 12, 2023.
Questions regarding this project should be addressed to the airport manager. Firms wishing to apply must submit a fully completed SF-330 Form. Failure to provide all information requested might result in the submission being considered non-responsive and the firm will not be given a total score in the evaluation process.
Acadia Parish Police Jury
(337) 788-8800
Publish Date: May 9, 2023

Creator Username: APPJRW
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 16-May-2023 7:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 12-Jun-2023 3:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 3159 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 12-Jun-2023 3:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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