Tuscaloosa National Airport - Taxiway A Crack Seal and Taxiway B Crack Seal and Seal Coat
Alabama > City of Tuscaloosa
Sealed Bid: 19791045
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The following scope of work will occur at Tuscaloosa National Airport. In a base bid schedule, on Taxiway A approximately 90,500 linear feet of cracks will be routed and sealed, approximately 22,910 square feet of taxiway markings and black outline markings will be reapplied and approximately 5,400 square feet of the Runway 4-22 center line will receive rubber removal. Additionally, for additive alternate bid schedule 100, on Taxiway B approximately 69,050 square feet of cracks will be routed and sealed and approximately 27,710 square feet of taxiway markings and black outline markings will be reapplied. For additive alternate bid schedule 200, Taxiway B will receive removal of its approximately 14,540 square feet of pavement markings, application of an emulsified asphalt seal coat and temporary marking of approximately 10,390 square feet of taxiway markings for reopening the taxiway during a 30-day curing period for the seal coat.

To enable the safe completion of these work items, while the airport’s Runway 12-30 remains open to air traffic, access to the active Runway 12-30 will be maintained throughout construction with the successful bidder’s deployment and rearrangement of low-level aircraft barricades to provide aircraft routes along portions of Taxiways A and B that avoid active work zones. Runway 4-22 will be closed during night construction with the successful bidder’s deployment, fueling, and operation of airport-supplied lighted runway closure markers.

Additional Notes/Requirements
Project Plan Set and Project Manual with Bidding Documents are included with this listing.
Creator Username: ATKINSDD
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 26-Apr-2024 3:20:00 PM CDT
Ends: 22-May-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 516 Views
Event Status: Expired since 22-May-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
17-May-2024 4:36:08 PM CDT
Addendum No. 2 dated 05/17/2024 has been uploaded
10-May-2024 4:38:15 PM CDT
Addendum No. 1 dated 05/10/2024 has been uploaded
06-May-2024 9:20:00 PM CDT
The Microsoft Team link below and the following meeting information are provided in order to supply a means of meeting the mandatory pre-bid conference attendance requirement for those who may be unable to attend in person. Meeting ID 331 344 589 723, and passcode YoXLni
06-May-2024 9:17:21 PM CDT
26-Apr-2024 3:18:19 PM CDT
Issued for bids