One (1) or More Sheriff Trucks
Agency: Mississippi > Smith County
Reverse Auction: 19453657


Advertisement for Bids 
Notice is herby given that electronic bid proposals will be received by the Board of Supervisors of Smith County, for the purchase of One (1) or more Sheriff Trucks for Smith County Sheriff’s Department.
All electronic bid specifications and procedures may be obtained electronically at  For questions relating to electronic downloads, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.
Bid proposals (no prices) will be due by no later than 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 5, 2022.  Final bidding to submit price bids will be held by electronic reverse auction on Friday, December 9, 2022 at beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 10:00 a.m. (unless extended by anti-sniping).
Electronic bids and/or reverse auction bids may be submitted at
If the agency is closed for any unforeseen reason which prevents the acceptance electronic bids, or prevents the live reverse auction at the advertised date and time.  All reverse auctions shall begin on the next business day that the agency shall be open and at the previously advertised time.  Each vendor/contractor shall be required to ensure the receipt of its electronic bid by the agency prior to the date and time of the bid opening.
This advertisement is not limited to any particular brand, and any brand will be considered that meets or exceeds the minimum specifications. 
In purchasing said equipment, the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids; and the Board reserves the right to take advantage of Section 19-13-17 or 31-7-13 of the Mississippi code of 1972, annotated as amended.
The County reserves the right to utilitze “anti-sniping” for reverse auction.  Anti-sniping is a tool that automatically extends the bid time for reverse auction by five (5) minutes if a vendor places a bid in the final five (5) minutes of the reverse auction.  The anti-sniping effect will automatically extend the reverse auction bid time any time a bid is placed in the last five (5) minutes of the reverse auction and can auto extend the reverse auction multiple times until bidding on the auction ends.
By order of the Board of Supervisors on this the 7th day of November 2022.


• The real-time bidding interface will appear below at the start date and time set by the owner. If you are viewing this page before the set start time of the reverse auction, you may need to refresh the page in your web browser in order to see the real-time bidding interface below.

• The Central Bidding time listed for this Reverse Auction is the official time for the placement of bids. All bidders acknowledge that this Reverse Auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware, software, internal and external network speeds, as well as other variables that are outside of the control of Central Bidding. Central Bidding does not suggest waiting until the final seconds to place your Reverse Auction Bid. Vendors are solely responsible for the placement of timely bids.

• If you are viewing a Multi-Line Item Reverse Auction and you do not see the next item for bid once the time for that item expires, you may need to refresh/reload your page. You can do so by clicking the "Refresh" or "Reload" button which is normally located near the Home, Forward, and Back buttons in your web browser (depending on which web browser you are currently using).

• For questions regarding automatic extensions of the Reverse Auction time and other Reverse Auction technical information, please refer to the Anti-Bid Sniping section on the Reverse Auction FAQ page.

• When entering a bid amount, you may ONLY enter numbers (and one decimal point if necessary).


Owner/Creator Username: SCMSRM
Reverse Auction Type: Single Item
Bid Solicitation Start Time/Date: 09-Nov-2022 5:00:00 PM CST
Bid Solicitation End Time/Date: 05-Dec-2022 9:00:00 AM CST
Reverse Auction Start Time/Date: 09-Dec-2022 9:00:00 AM CST
Reverse Auction End Time/Date: 09-Dec-2022 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
Status Realtime Event
Action: Sign-In to Bid

Starting Bid Amount: $0.00
Current Winning Bid Amount: $ {current_winning_bid}

Time to auction end:
Realtime bids history
All updates/changes are listed below:
02-Dec-2022 10:08:50 AM CST
Do not include pricing in proposals. Removed wording from spec sheet.
18-Nov-2022 2:33:35 PM CST
Truck Specifications
09-Nov-2022 3:41:07 PM CST
Update Reverse Auction Start and Ending Times
09-Nov-2022 3:36:46 PM CST
Update Time