Port Improvements Railroad Rehabilitation (Phase 1)
Louisiana > Lake Providence Port Commission
Sealed Bid: 1831847
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The project proposes the rehabilitation and reactivation of the former Missouri Pacific railroad from LA 2 to the Port of Lake Providence.

Creator Username: BuchartHorn
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 23-Jul-2015 4:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 25-Aug-2015 11:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1622 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 25-Aug-2015 11:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
All updates/changes are listed below::
14-Aug-2015 10:28:11 AM CDT
Addendum No. 2: In Section 00100, Instructions to Bidders; change the required Contractor licensing category from Heavy Construction to Heavy Construction and/or Commercial - Specialty: Railroads.
29-Jul-2015 3:30:21 PM CDT
changed pre-bid meeting date
29-Jul-2015 3:28:52 PM CDT
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project Queen City Railroad Constr. Inc. =SEALED= 24-Aug-2015 2:51:29 PM CDT
Queen City Railroad Constr. Inc. 2709 Byington Solway RD Knoxville TN 37931 Phone 865 692 1902 Fax 865 694 6356 Mark Edmands, ext 31 [email protected] Lake Providence Port Commission Office of the Lake Providence Port 409 Port Road Lake Providence LA 71254 SEALED BID ENCLOSED Lake Providence Port Commission Port Improvements to Existing Railroad Line-Railroad Rehab. Facility Planning & Control No. 36-P12-13-01 EDA Grant No. 08-79-04992 DRA Grant No. LA-11890 Due 8/25/2015 before 11:00am Contractors Lic No. 59323
Delivery: 0 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed