S-157 Wing Walls and Manatee Overlook Rehabilitation Design-Build Project
Florida > St. Johns River Water Management District
Solicitation: 17694632
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District (the “District”) is initiating a “Request for Qualifications – Design Build (RFQ-DB),” whereby the District will procure this project through a qualifications- and proposal-based competitive process: Respondents submit Qualification Submittals (Step One) at 2:00 p.m., October 25, 2024, and submit Technical and Price Proposals (Step Two) at 2:00 p.m., December 10, 2024.

Project Description The S-157 Wing Walls and Manatee Overlook Rehabilitation design-build project involves the design and replacement of the downstream wing walls and the manatee overlook at the S-157 flood control structure, located on the C-54 Canal in Brevard County, Florida. Additionally, the project includes replacement of the existing manatee overlook near the north wing wall with a new similar structure. The goal is to enhance the structural stability of the flood control structure and perform routine maintenance replacement of the manatee overlook, with all work scheduled to be completed during the dry season (November to June) to mitigate flood risks.

Onsite Non-Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference A NON-MANDATORY PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR 11:00 AM, SEPT 18, 2024, at the manatee overlook located next to S-157, Brevard County, FL at approx. GPS coordinates of lat 27.830552°, long -80.539683° (see map provided in solicitation document).

Request for Qualifications – Design Build 2-Step Process The 1st step of the RFQ-DB process includes the submission of a Qualifications Submittal to include a letter of interest with information pertaining to Respondent’s qualifications. The information in the Qualifications Submittal shall include, but is not limited to, evidence of current professional status; availability; location; adequacy of personnel; past contractual record and related experience; recent, current, and projected workloads; volume and quality of work previously awarded to the firm by the District; willingness to meet time and budget requirements; and whether the firm is a certified minority business as defined by the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act. A District Evaluation Committee (Committee) will review and evaluate Respondents’ qualifications. After evaluations are complete, the Committee will select up to three Respondents deemed most highly qualified to provide the design-build services and proceed to the second step of the process. Respondents selected as most qualified will be notified by email. Respondents not selected will also be notified. Those Respondents selected as most qualified will advance to the 2nd step of the RFQ-DB process. The second step of the RFQ-DB process includes the submission of competitive technical and price proposals. Technical proposal must include information on the technical and design aspects of the project. Price proposal must include a cost schedule with a line item for each task cost and a total proposed cost. Technical proposals will be evaluated by the Committee prior to opening the price proposals. Proposals must be developed based upon the information contained in the Design Criteria Package. Price proposals will be scored in accordance with the formula included in the evaluation criteria and will be incorporated into the overall scoring to determine the final ranking of all proposals.

Additional Notes/Requirements
Exhibits 2-6 are available from the District upon request. Respondent must complete and submit a Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement (Attachment E) with their request. The request may be submitted via email to [email protected]
Creator Username: SJRWMDLJ
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 04-Sep-2024 12:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 25-Oct-2024 1:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 500 Views
Event Status: Expired since 25-Oct-2024 1:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
19-Nov-2024 10:40:45 AM CST
Added Notice of Intended Decision to Reject All Responses
30-Sep-2024 12:15:49 PM CDT
Added Addendum 1 and 2 with additional documents