Velma Jackson High School Restroom Renovations
Mississippi > Madison County School District
Solicitation: 17339234
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for a General Construction Package at the office of Madison County Schools, 476 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157, until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 07, 2022, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following project:
Project Title:    Velma Jackson High School Restroom Renovations
                        Madison County Schools                   
Official bid documents can be downloaded from Central Bidding at Electronic bids can also be submitted at For any questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4818.
A pre-bid conference will be held at the office of the Madison County Schools, 476 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeway, Mississippi 39157 at 10:00 a.m. on May 26, 2022.
Bid preparation will be in accordance with Instructions to Bidders found in the Project Manual. The Madison County School District reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids.
Madison County Schools
476 Highland Colony Parkway
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Dale | Bailey, an Association
One Jackson Place, Suite 250
188 E. Capitol Street
Jackson, MS 39201-2100
Phone: 601-352-5411
Fax: 601-352-5362
Contact for general questions, emails, etc. – [email protected]
Dates of Publication:   May 5, 2022
May 12, 2022

Additional Notes/Requirements
Please add the consultants as plan holders.
Creator Username: DBArchDF
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 06-May-2022 1:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 07-Jun-2022 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 521 Views
Event Status: Expired since 07-Jun-2022 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
27-May-2022 10:02:22 AM CDT
Addendum One Issued 220527