HPWM Airport ILS Equipment Upgrade
Louisiana > St. Mary Parish Government
Sealed Bid: 14872164
Listing Information/Advertisement:

NOTICE IS HEREBY given by St. Mary Parish Government that sealed bids will be received at the office of the St. Mary Parish Purchasing Department, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana 70538, until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, January 28th, 2020 at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for:
                                             “HPWM Airport ILS Equipment Upgrade”
Bids received after the above-specified time will not be considered.
Specifications and contract documents for the above can be obtained upon request from the St. Mary Parish Purchasing Department, Fifth Floor Courthouse, Franklin, Louisiana 70538.
St. Mary Parish reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids to waive informalities in any and/or all bids, and to award the contract in the best interest of St. Mary Parish. Thus done and signed at Franklin, Parish of St. Mary, Louisiana on this 2nd day of January, 2020.

Creator Username: SMPGGH
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Jan-2020 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 28-Jan-2020 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 630 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 28-Jan-2020 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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