EJLD Landside Runoff Control Improvements - Reach 2-5
Louisiana > Flood Protection Authority - East
Sealed Bid: 14611192
Listing Information/Advertisement:

This project titled "East Jefferson Levee District Landside Runoff Control Improvements - Reach 2-5" is located along the Lake Ponchartrain levee in Jefferson Parish. Work will include, but not limited to, regrading site to provided propoer drainage, installation of new drop inlets, and adjusting existing inlets.

All updates/changes are listed below::
05-Apr-2021 10:29:14 AM CDT
Addendum #2 added
26-Mar-2021 1:17:56 PM CDT
Please see Addendum No. 1 issued.
12-Mar-2021 9:19:51 AM CST
Reuploaded Plans
12-Mar-2021 9:07:40 AM CST
ReAdded plans and specs
11-Mar-2021 9:28:34 AM CST
Uploaded Plan and Specs
04-Mar-2021 10:36:16 AM CST
Changed Bid type filter
04-Mar-2021 10:35:27 AM CST
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