West Galliano Tank Cleaning and Painting
Louisiana > Lafourche Parish Water District
Sealed Bid: 14577698
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Project consists of the interior and exterior cleaning and painting of a 250,000 gallon elevated storage tank including miscellaneous repair to existing steel surfaces and appurtenances, necessary surface preparation and application of a coating system.

Additional Notes/Requirements
Bids must be submitted on documents provided. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2009 in the office of the Technical Assistant, Lafourche Parish Water District No. 1, 5753 Hwy 308, Lockport, LA at 2:00 p.m.
Creator Username: LPWD
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 09-Jun-2009 3:54:44 PM CDT
Ends: 09-Jul-2009 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1884 Views, 2 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 09-Jul-2009 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
PASI on 25-Jun-2009 11:44:48 AM CDT
We noticed in the project documents that there is only 60 calender days to complete this project. We strongly feel that this is not enough time to complete the project. We estimate that it will require at a minimum 120 working days to complete the project. The specification state that 1,200 sq. ft. of interior steel has to be prepared (blasted), prior to priming and that the inspector has to approve the blast prior to priming. It is our veiw that in order to make this work and enhance the project schedule a dehumidification unit should be required for the interior of the tank. From the contract ducuments it seems that the exterior of the tank contains lead paint. However, there is provided test results with the documents stating such. Since the work is going to be performed in such a confined area and if the exterior existing paint is lead then I would suggest requiring a dust collector for the exterior work.
LPWD on 25-Jun-2009 4:16:32 PM CDT
The Contract days will be reviewed. The contractor will need to make a determination to use a dehumidification unit or not. The District will not require one. Finally, the tank does not contain lead. Any changes related to the specifications will be addressed in an addendum.
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