St. Landry Solid Waste Vessel Expansion Project
Louisiana > St. Landry Parish Solid Waste Disposal District
RFQ: 14511887
Listing Information/Advertisement:

-Vendor to supply/install/commission (2) low pressure vessels.
     -30,000 gallon each
     -120 PSIG design pressure
     -MAWP: 150-250 PSIG @ 125 F
     -(2) Vessels may be refurbished or new
     -(2) Vessels to be identical
     -Drawings and Test Reports to be included.
-Vendor to supply/install/commission (2) high pressure storage vessels.
     -Greater than or equal to 180 GGE @5000 PSIG
-Vendor to provide all materials/labor for necessary site work consisting of but not limited to drainage, concrete, foundation, fencing, conduit, and lighting.
-Vendor to provide all materials/labor for turnkey installation of vessels consisting of but not limited to vessel connection, instrumentation, commissioning/integration to existing      equipment, purging/filling, piping, pipe rack, and leak inspection.
-Vendor to provide logistics and handling equipment to deliver and install vessels on site.
-Vendor to provide materials for leveling ground
-5 total days of downtime permitted.
-Vendor suggested to attend pre-bid meeting inclusive of site survey (no additional site visits will be available after pre-bid meeting)
-St. Landry to provide any gravel and dirt required for new vessel area
-Vendor to provide Geotechnical analysis for vessel footings
-Project to be completed by the end of 2023.
-See attached document for more information.
-Pre Bid Meeting May 22nd at 1:00 P.M at St Landry Parish Solid Waste (417 Solid Waste Rd, Washington, LA  70589)
-Project opening meeting June 12tth at 4:00 P.M.

Additional Notes/Requirements
For further questions, please email [email protected]
Creator Username: PES
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 28-Mar-2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 12-Jun-2023 4:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1206 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 12-Jun-2023 4:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
All updates/changes are listed below::
12-Jun-2023 9:14:46 AM CDT
Bid Close set to 4pm
12-Jun-2023 8:59:58 AM CDT
Updated bid to close at the end of the day
07-Jun-2023 12:55:22 PM CDT
Reference Geotechnical Analysis Documents Added
23-May-2023 9:36:27 AM CDT
-Added provider specifics for dirt, gravel, and geotechnical analysis
22-May-2023 8:01:46 AM CDT
Updated Bid Expiration Date
03-May-2023 8:04:21 AM CDT
Project Bid and Opening Dates
19-Apr-2023 1:14:52 PM CDT
Bid end date postponed.
19-Apr-2023 1:14:13 PM CDT
Project opening meeting changed
19-Apr-2023 1:13:28 PM CDT
-Pre-bid meeting date changed
14-Apr-2023 8:18:51 AM CDT
Meeting Location Added
28-Mar-2023 12:41:32 PM CDT
Email Added