Agency: Mississippi > Harrison County Utility Authority
Reverse Auction: 13647252


Advertisement for Bids
The Harrison County Utility Authority (HCUA) will receive bids for furnishing chlorine and sulfur dioxide for use at our Wastewater Treatment and Water Facilities.
Qualifying documentation as stipulated in the specifications shall be submitted electronically by no later than 10:00 A.M. local time, on July 31, 2019. Bidders that do not have the ability to submit documents electronically may come to HCUA office for assistance with submission of documents. Qualifying bidders will be invited to participate in the electronically competitive bid auction between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time, on August 2, 2019. There shall be an automatic 5- minute extension for any bid submitted within the last 5 minutes of the bid auction.
Interested bidders shall electronically register with HCUA’s electronic bidding service provider to obtain bid documents and to participate in the bid process. Only registered bidders (plan holders list) shall be permitted to participate in the bid process. Bidders shall submit qualifying documentation for the furnishing of chlorine and sulfur dioxide as defined in the bid documents by the established time and date. The submitted documentation for the Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide will be evaluated by HCUA according to criteria defined in the bid documents. Qualifying bidders shall be notified and invited to the auction to participate in the competitive bidding process to provide the Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide. The lowest and most responsive bid shall be recommended for award to the HCUA Board of Directors.
The bidding documents may be examined at the Harrison County Utility Authority office at 10271 Express Drive, Gulfport, Mississippi 39503. The Bidding documents may be examined and/or obtained from HCUA’s electronic bidding service provider, Central Bidding at Any questions regarding the electronic bidding service should be directed to Central Bidding at 228-810-4814. Any other questions should be directed to Candice Sardin by email [email protected] or by phone (228-868-8752).
All Bidders must comply with all Federal, State, and City laws and regulations. All bids shall comply with specification and bid documents provided or be considered non-responsive. The HCUA reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. The HCUA reserves the right to amend the specification and bid documents as may be necessary and agrees to notify all registered bidders. Only bids and documents from electronically registered plan holders will be considered.
Bids may be held by the Owner for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of the bid auction prior to awarding of the Contract.
Donald E. Scharr, P.E., Executive Director
Publish: July 15, 2019
                July 22, 2019


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• The Central Bidding time listed for this Reverse Auction is the official time for the placement of bids. All bidders acknowledge that this Reverse Auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware, software, internal and external network speeds, as well as other variables that are outside of the control of Central Bidding. Central Bidding does not suggest waiting until the final seconds to place your Reverse Auction Bid. Vendors are solely responsible for the placement of timely bids.

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• When entering a bid amount, you may ONLY enter numbers (and one decimal point if necessary).


Owner/Creator Username: HCUACS
Reverse Auction Type: Single Item
Bid Solicitation Start Time/Date: 15-Jul-2019 8:00:00 AM CDT
Bid Solicitation End Time/Date: 31-Jul-2019 10:00:00 AM CDT
Reverse Auction Start Time/Date: 02-Aug-2019 9:00:00 AM CDT
Reverse Auction End Time/Date: 02-Aug-2019 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
Status Realtime Event
Action: Sign-In to Bid

Starting Bid Amount: $0.00
Current Winning Bid Amount: $ {current_winning_bid}

Time to auction end:
Realtime bids history
All updates/changes are listed below:
17-Jul-2019 9:11:51 AM CDT
Addendum No. 1