Notice is hereby given that sealed bids (one original) will be received by the Lafayette Parish School System Purchasing Department, located at 202 Rue Iberville, Lafayette, Louisiana, 70508 and electronic bids will be received at Central Auction House ( Delivery to any other department other than the Purchasing Department is unacceptable and may result in non-consideration of the bid. Bids will be received until 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 for construction of the following project as described in the Bidding Documents and listed on the Bid Form:
Lafayette Parish School System
Carencro High School Parking Lot Expansion
721 West Butcher Switch Road
Lafayette, Louisiana 70507
BID #33-25
Project Description: The work consists of providing all equipment, labor, and material necessary for the construction of a concrete parking area at Carencro High School.
It is further understood and agreed that the work under this contract shall be completed within SIXTY (60) consecutive calendar days of the date specified in the Contract or a Notice to Proceed, subject to reimbursement to the owner of liquidated damages in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) per consecutive calendar day.
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the above stated time and date in the Purchasing Office Conference Room of the Lafayette Parish School System Administrative Office Building.
Complete Bidding Documents for this project are being distributed in electronic form and may be obtained without charge and without deposit from the Public Plan Room at Printed copies are not available from the Owner or Project Designer but arrangements can be made to obtain them through most reprographic firms. Plan holders are responsible for their own reproduction costs. Questions about this procedure should be directed to: Central Auction House at (833) 412-5717.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check, or Bid Bond using the Owner’s form payable to the Lafayette Parish School System, the amount of which shall be five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposed Base Bid plus all Alternates. Money Orders will not be accepted.
Electronic bids may be submitted online at In accordance with LA RS 38: 2212.E(6), bids for this project may be submitted electronically via upload to Central Auction House ( All bid documents shall be uploaded by the due date and time stated above. Questions about this procedure should be directed to Central Auction House at (833) 412-5717. A Bid bond will be required, per the contract documents, and should be uploaded with the rest of the required Bid Documents. If a scanned copy of the Bid Bond is uploaded, the original notarized bid bond must be produced “on-demand” per the Owner’s request.
The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract on the forms provided by the School Board and written in accordance with Louisiana law.
Bids shall be accepted only from contractors who are licensed by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors for the classification of Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction and/or subclassification Driveways, Parking Areas, Asphalt, and Concrete. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bids, except under the provisions of La. R.S. 38:2214.
Contact Josh Gravois with T. Baker Smith, LLC at 985-223-9273 or
[email protected] for any clarification or information with regard to the bid documents. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the project site at Carencro High School, 721 West Butcher Switch Road, Lafayette, Louisiana 70507 at 9:00 a.m., April 4, 2025.
The owner reserved the right to reject any and all bids for just cause.
The Lafayette Parish School System strongly encourages the participation of minority business enterprises in all contracts or procurements let by the Board for goods and services. To that end, all contractors and suppliers are encouraged to utilize minority business enterprises in the purchase or sub-contracting of materials, supplies, and services in which minority owned businesses are available.
Advertising dates: March 21, 2025
March 28, 2025
April 4, 2025